View Full Version : Standing at the game

10-05-2008, 02:34 PM
I was at the game yesterday and during the first quarter the guy behind me tells me to sit down......I politely turned around and said this is a football game I have every right to stand if I want........well he proceeds to tell me that his guests can't see when i'm standing and that I don't need to stand for every play.........I simply told him that if he listened to Coach Bohl during the week he told ALL fans to stand.......and left it at that and he did politely leave me alone the rest of the game......I have been reading posts on here for sometime now and have read all the posts about standing and sitting and the blue hairs in the stands.......I am finally tired of it.....Would it be possible to open more seating for the students? I hate going to the game and not having the atmosphere of a college football game......Why can't we just go to the games, stand and get loud when we want. You watch any game you want and the fans are crazy. I realize that this isn't a big time atmosphere but come on people lets make some noise. If my rant is out of line I apologize, because I know that the people that post on here are the true fans of the Bison. Anyway, great victory yesterday although the first half was a bit dicey but all in all the day was great.

10-05-2008, 02:45 PM
You should've stood more. F them guys.

10-05-2008, 02:50 PM
I true college atmosphere would require the the students on the south end to stay for the entire game. Half the seats in the south west corner were empty in the 3rd quarter. You hear all week long how the students need more tickets and then you see the empty seats in the 2nd half. I understand leaving early for the AP game, but NDSU's 1st MVF conference game that is still undecide should not see empty seats in the student section. It was really load in the dome during the 2nd half and most the noise is created from the students. Imagine how load it would have been if the student section was still full. With a 1pm game there is plenty time to party after the game.

10-05-2008, 04:04 PM
There will always be someone that compains and asks you to sit down. This is a football game where people stand and make noise. The more noise the better, that is what our players need to see. Not sitting in our seats being quiet and thumbing our ass. Those people that want to sit and whine should go to the opera, where they can sit and be quiet.

These people irratate me. I am all about respecting the people that sit around me but this is a football game. Football games get rowdy and we stand to support our team.

Bison fans, KEEP STANDING AND MAKE NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

10-05-2008, 04:13 PM
If you watch a lot of football on TV, most of the fans are standing throughout the game. Especially in the SEC...the stadiums could go without chairs to sit on.

It's college football. It's not a damn livingroom.

It's part of the problem with a dome. Some of the more casual fans wanna just be comfortable...sit back...buy a dog & a beer...and watch the game from time to time. It's also not a baseball game.

The intense fans, which is what the Bison need, are there to support the team.

I'm with you.

10-05-2008, 04:15 PM
If you watch a lot of football on TV, most of the fans are standing throughout the game. Especially in the SEC...the stadiums could go without chairs to sit on.

It's college football. It's not a damn livingroom.

It's part of the problem with a dome. Some of the more casual fans wanna just be comfortable...sit back...buy a dog & a beer...and watch the game from time to time.

The intense fans, which is what the Bison need, are there to support the team.

I'm with you.

Totally agree................

10-05-2008, 04:26 PM
If you watch a lot of football on TV, most of the fans are standing throughout the game. Especially in the SEC...the stadiums could go without chairs to sit on.

It's college football. It's not a damn livingroom.

It's part of the problem with a dome. Some of the more casual fans wanna just be comfortable...sit back...buy a dog & a beer...and watch the game from time to time.

The intense fans, which is what the Bison need, are there to support the team.

And at the Dome you can't even buy a beer! Seriously though, we had fans in front of us that stood nearly the whole game. When they came in I knew they would raise the level of cheering in our section and I said to my friend that was with us "This will be fun." They were great fans...I didn't mind the standing at all and if/when I couldn't see around them I stood too...which in turn caused those behind me to stand and make more noise!

10-05-2008, 07:14 PM
it really bothered me to see so many students leave at half-time, apparently college football games are only one half now

10-05-2008, 07:26 PM
My favorite line to use is: "If you wanna sit, there's plenty of people sitting in the back row, get your tickets up there next game."

10-05-2008, 07:30 PM
I just joined team makers this year and I am planning on getting season tickets next season. I graduated SU recently and like to tailgate and make noise. Is there any particular sections or rows in sections that are better for fans who like to stand the whole game and make noise? Does team makers have any designated cheering or loud sections? if no why can't this be changed?

10-05-2008, 07:46 PM
There were a lot more people standing and yelling in the area around my seats yesterday than I've seen in a long time.

10-05-2008, 07:49 PM
I just joined team makers this year and I am planning on getting season tickets next season. I graduated SU recently and like to tailgate and make noise. Is there any particular sections or rows in sections that are better for fans who like to stand the whole game and make noise? Does team makers have any designated cheering or loud sections? if no why can't this be changed?

First welcome to Team Makers and second welcome to Bisonville. To answer your question about sections, it all depends on your giving amount to TM. Obviously, the more you give the better the seats you have. There are no designated sections for standing or cheering, it comes down to your giving level. Anyone on the fundraising committee, like yours truly, would be able to help you with that.

10-05-2008, 08:07 PM
I was sitting directly across from the student section yesterday at the game and I was personally impressed with the students who were still left in the 4th quarter. There were FEW if any students who left until maybe 2 minutes left in the game.... The students did a fine job yesterday and left when the game was out of reach.

On the flip side I saw WAY MORE teammakers leave the game prior to the students.

10-05-2008, 08:32 PM
My favorite line to use is: "If you wanna sit, there's plenty of people sitting in the back row, get your tickets up there next game."

Hey come on now that's not entirely true. My dad, son, and I were in the top row yesterday and we stood and made lots of noise up there and because of it actually got people cheering in front of us. If there are enough of us that are that intense spread out throughout the dome that will only help the atmosphere. I was actually impressed with most of the crowd on our side. Alot of them stood on about 80% of 3rd downs. To be honest I was actually disappointed in the student section yesterday. Not because alot left at halftime, that always happens, but from the lack of noise that came out of there. I was directly across from them and thought they were almost quiet compared to most weeks.

10-05-2008, 08:56 PM
First welcome to Team Makers and second welcome to Bisonville. To answer your question about sections, it all depends on your giving amount to TM. Obviously, the more you give the better the seats you have. There are no designated sections for standing or cheering, it comes down to your giving level. Anyone on the fundraising committee, like yours truly, would be able to help you with that.

I understand the donation levels and sections, but it seems as though there should be a way to group sleepers and cheerleaders to give a little seperation. this could maybe prevent some of these uncomfortable disagreements. Just a rambling thought on a topic that often comes up.

Mr. Burgundy
10-05-2008, 09:02 PM
If you want to stand and be loud, I would stick to the West Side. The East is a bunch of sleepers. At times, you can look at the entire side....and it is like they are watching a different game.

10-05-2008, 09:10 PM
I understand the donation levels and sections, but it seems as though there should be a way to group sleepers and cheerleaders to give a little seperation. this could maybe prevent some of these uncomfortable disagreements. Just a rambling thought on a topic that often comes up.

I agree completely but it would be difficult. Who would be the final answer about who is a "sleeper" and who is a "cheerleader". We have had some "situations" come up in section 17 but as time as gone on there are fewer and fewer. We have not had any problems this year. This is all part of the learning process of moving up to FCS and every game "sold out". I also agree with Mr Burgundy that the west side is a lot more active than the east side.

10-05-2008, 09:27 PM
north side holla!

10-05-2008, 09:28 PM
Thanks for the info, hopefully i can remember when it comes time to get tickets to the 09 season. Might be a bit premature but how will playoff tickets work for non season ticket team maker members such as myself, would i have any priority?

10-05-2008, 10:29 PM
If you watch a lot of football on TV, most of the fans are standing throughout the game. Especially in the SEC...the stadiums could go without chairs to sit on.

It's college football. It's not a damn livingroom.

It's part of the problem with a dome. Some of the more casual fans wanna just be comfortable...sit back...buy a dog & a beer...and watch the game from time to time. It's also not a baseball game.

The intense fans, which is what the Bison need, are there to support the team.

I'm with you.

I agree. We cannot let this be a Sioux Hockey Game (a social event). We must let this be a football game.

10-05-2008, 10:32 PM
To be honest I was actually disappointed in the student section yesterday. Not because alot left at halftime, that always happens, but from the lack of noise that came out of there. I was directly across from them and thought they were almost quiet compared to most weeks.

In my experience as a student, my crew and I liked to tailgate until right before kickoff...the tailgate to watching warm-ups ratio went like this: the longer we got to tailgate and thus more beer drank - the crazier, louder, and possibly more obnoxious we were. However this was not always a bad thing as we usually didn't get out of hand and we generally got the crowd around us chanting the whole game so, having us in the front row directly behind the opponents bench in my mind was a good thing.

The major downfall to our love of tailgating was that unless we could jam into the front row with people we knew or make 'new friends' - we often times got stuck in the higher up seats. The students that get the good seats many times were the ones that chose to line-up at the entrance hours before the game started. It always seemed to me that these students were generally underclassmen from the dorms that would like to be tailgating, but since they are not of age, they figure they should at least get good seats. These underclassmen, while great fans, were generally a little more docile than the fans coming from the west lot. Homecoming was always like this - we always wanted to tailgate longer and more underclassmen than usual would line up early so we'd always get stuck in the rows higher up...therefore (and this could be just beerology,) it seemed that the young'uns in front wouldn't start chants, or jump around, etc. so the student section wouldn't be as rowdy. However, as a student, I don't think I watched a single football game without consuming my fair share of frosties - so my 'game analysis' probably was not that sharp...

I'm assuming that the students leaving early were the ones that were either ready to pass out from too much kegs and eggs or losing their buzz...so they wanted to go and drink more.

Woah...this turned into quite the dissertation...anyways...my 2 cents about what I thought happened most homecoming games

10-05-2008, 11:31 PM
In my experience as a student, my crew and I liked to tailgate until right before kickoff...the tailgate to watching warm-ups ratio went like this: the longer we got to tailgate and thus more beer drank - the crazier, louder, and possibly more obnoxious we were. However this was not always a bad thing as we usually didn't get out of hand and we generally got the crowd around us chanting the whole game so, having us in the front row directly behind the opponents bench in my mind was a good thing.

The major downfall to our love of tailgating was that unless we could jam into the front row with people we knew or make 'new friends' - we often times got stuck in the higher up seats. The students that get the good seats many times were the ones that chose to line-up at the entrance hours before the game started. It always seemed to me that these students were generally underclassmen from the dorms that would like to be tailgating, but since they are not of age, they figure they should at least get good seats. These underclassmen, while great fans, were generally a little more docile than the fans coming from the west lot. Homecoming was always like this - we always wanted to tailgate longer and more underclassmen than usual would line up early so we'd always get stuck in the rows higher up...therefore (and this could be just beerology,) it seemed that the young'uns in front wouldn't start chants, or jump around, etc. so the student section wouldn't be as rowdy. However, as a student, I don't think I watched a single football game without consuming my fair share of frosties - so my 'game analysis' probably was not that sharp...

I'm assuming that the students leaving early were the ones that were either ready to pass out from too much kegs and eggs or losing their buzz...so they wanted to go and drink more.

Woah...this turned into quite the dissertation...anyways...my 2 cents about what I thought happened most homecoming games

no the students and fans who leave early aren't true fans

10-06-2008, 12:42 AM
You can sit down at half time. See the crowd from high up. As people stand, more yellow becomes visable making the Fargodome a raging sea of yellow.

10-06-2008, 12:50 AM
i was in section 1.. 50 yard line.. row 25 or so...... I had everyone behind me standing on every 3rd down and when the team was ready to score.

NO ONE IN THE WHOLE EAST SIDE... NO ONE stood the whole game..


I say WE MAKE THE WEST SIDE *im in section 21* a STANDD ALL GAME SIDE!!!


10-06-2008, 12:51 AM
no the students and fans who leave early aren't true fans

Are you kidding me? "true fans." Come on. I'm so sick of this term being thrown around. We all pay our teammakers fees/dues, we all buy our tickets, who are you to judge what a true fan is or is not. I'm so over some of you who continue to argue about what makes "true fans." Are you more of a "true" man if you work a construction job than if you work in retail or an office? No. We all show our support in different ways and some of you just need to accept that.

10-06-2008, 01:01 AM
Sometimes I long for Dakotah Field where you had to stand to stay warm. Although the half time trips to Happy Harrys helped!

10-06-2008, 01:50 AM
Are you kidding me? "true fans." Come on. I'm so sick of this term being thrown around. We all pay our teammakers fees/dues, we all buy our tickets, who are you to judge what a true fan is or is not. I'm so over some of you who continue to argue about what makes "true fans." Are you more of a "true" man if you work a construction job than if you work in retail or an office? No. We all show our support in different ways and some of you just need to accept that.

I have to agree with this...forcing this issue will not improve this situation. Calling people out will only make them angry. I think it would be nice for the fans that want to sit and watch the game to be steered towards a certain section and standing and yelling fans towards another, but this organizational nightmare is not feasible. There really is no middle ground in this, so reaching a compromise is next to impossible. This problem will probably never go away and neither will the complaining from both sides. It'd be nice if both 'the stander' and 'the standee' would not be confrontational and take a hint if they are being a jackass and just relax and realize how lucky they are to actually get to watch Bison football games.

/haven't been able to go to a game for a while
/jealous of those of you that get to

10-06-2008, 02:15 AM
Are you kidding me? "true fans." Come on. I'm so sick of this term being thrown around. We all pay our teammakers fees/dues, we all buy our tickets, who are you to judge what a true fan is or is not. I'm so over some of you who continue to argue about what makes "true fans." Are you more of a "true" man if you work a construction job than if you work in retail or an office? No. We all show our support in different ways and some of you just need to accept that.
I don't know how you can defend leaving early.

10-06-2008, 02:18 AM
thats why i like sitting in the student section...we stand ALL GAME, minus halftime

10-06-2008, 02:37 AM
i was in section 1.. 50 yard line.. row 25 or so...... I had everyone behind me standing on every 3rd down and when the team was ready to score.

NO ONE IN THE WHOLE EAST SIDE... NO ONE stood the whole game..


I say WE MAKE THE WEST SIDE *im in section 21* a STANDD ALL GAME SIDE!!!


Lakes if you haven't lost all credibility, this definitely takes it. I was on the East side, and I will tell you that I'd say about 70-80% of my section (5) and section 4. And I know since I had all of both sections in front of me because we were in the top row. At least most of the people in our section stayed for the entire game instead of skipping out at half time like you did in the first game.

10-06-2008, 02:39 AM
Sometimes I long for Dakotah Field where you had to stand to stay warm. Although the half time trips to Happy Harrys helped!

Move this to my Pet Peeves in smack, spell Dacotah Field right, JESUS

10-06-2008, 04:34 AM
I don't know how you can defend leaving early.

How do I defend it? 5 in my group left with 5 minutes left in the game so that they could go prepare to spend the evening donating money at the Bison Bidders Bowl...that's right...left the game EARLY to donate $$$$$ BACK to the University. Being I am a dude and require little maintenance I was able to stay and still get prepared, however...many of you clowns who are "True Fans," I didn't see you spending $125 per ticket for the meal and then another undisclosed amount of cash throughout the evening donating. That my friend is how I will defend many of those who left early.

10-06-2008, 04:35 AM
Yeah, it's a football game alright but that doesn't mean we have to stop being civil human beings. Yesterday, I saw an elderly gentleman struggling to get up the steps near the top of the dome. He would climb a few stairs, rest for a moment and then continue on. He was smiling the whole way. Now there was a true Bison fan who should have been an inspiration to everybody there. Yes, he had "blue hair" too. I just hope there wasn't a bunch of inconsiderate people standing in front of him the entire game.

10-06-2008, 04:37 AM
How do I defend it? 5 in my group left with 5 minutes left in the game so that they could go prepare to spend the evening donating money at the Bison Bidders Bowl...that's right...left the game EARLY to donate $$$$$ BACK to the University. Being I am a dude and require little maintenance I was able to stay and still get prepared, however...many of you clowns who are "True Fans," I didn't see you spending $125 per ticket for the meal and then another undisclosed amount of cash throughout the evening donating. That my friend is how I will defend many of those who left early.

Some people left after 20-0, I have no problem with you but I don't understand why I person would even bother going to a game if they can't even stay for half of it.

10-06-2008, 04:42 AM
How do I defend it? 5 in my group left with 5 minutes left in the game so that they could go prepare to spend the evening donating money at the Bison Bidders Bowl...that's right...left the game EARLY to donate $$$$$ BACK to the University. Being I am a dude and require little maintenance I was able to stay and still get prepared, however...many of you clowns who are "True Fans," I didn't see you spending $125 per ticket for the meal and then another undisclosed amount of cash throughout the evening donating. That my friend is how I will defend many of those who left early.
Like I thought, you didn't have a good reason. Sometimes people have to leave early for a good reason. Leaving to dust on some more makeup...yeah, I'm believing they are bleedin' the green and gold. It is the same people leaving early every game that bothers me. They have an excuse every game too. Don't get me wrong, I've had to leave early to, only had a babysitter until a certain time. Not proud of it. Sure not going to spout off about it. Not going to brag how much money I donated.

10-06-2008, 04:53 AM
Like I thought, you didn't have a good reason. Sometimes people have to leave early for a good reason. Leaving to dust on some more makeup...yeah, I'm believing they are bleedin' the green and gold. It is the same people leaving early every game that bothers me. They have an excuse every game too. Don't get me wrong, I've had to leave early to, only had a babysitter until a certain time. Not proud of it. Sure not going to spout off about it. Not going to brag how much money I donated.

You're not proud of leaving early, haven't had a babysitter...so you understand that things come up, plans change, things happen. So why are you unknowlingly ripping on people who may have had something more serious than not having a babysitter, who are forced to leave a game early? I'd say those in my group had a valid reason to leave when they did. Hard to believe you feel differently.

10-06-2008, 04:56 AM
How do I defend it? 5 in my group left with 5 minutes left in the game so that they could go prepare to spend the evening donating money at the Bison Bidders Bowl...that's right...left the game EARLY to donate $$$$$ BACK to the University. Being I am a dude and require little maintenance I was able to stay and still get prepared, however...many of you clowns who are "True Fans," I didn't see you spending $125 per ticket for the meal and then another undisclosed amount of cash throughout the evening donating. That my friend is how I will defend many of those who left early.
None of us true fans give a crap how much you donate. Does it make you a better person in general because you give some of your excess cash to NDSU? Quit being a pompous A$$. I bet your friends REALLY had to leave early just so they could get to the bidders bowl. Lame excuse. I am sick and tired of the attitude by some of the "stick in the mud" rich bastards that think they are gods gift to NDSU. Rant done.

10-06-2008, 05:04 AM
None of us true fans give a crap how much you donate. Does it make you a better person in general because you give some of your excess cash to NDSU? Quit being a pompous A$$. I bet your friends REALLY had to leave early just so they could get to the bidders bowl. Lame excuse. I am sick and tired of the attitude by some of the "stick in the mud" rich bastards that think they are gods gift to NDSU. Rant done.

I understand the need to rant, but are you kidding me? I was simply giving a valid reason as to why those in my group left. If you feel as if NDSU would be better off without the donations given by myself, my friends and in the names of those who have passed on, well then by all means we can stop. This is ridiculous. I've always felt like bisonville was a place to get some good football talk and maybe a little extra info on upcoming games, however, in the recent weeks it's turned into nothing but fan bashing, player crucifying, worthless name calling sh!t in my opinion. I'm sick of it, and to be honest I'm done with it. Those of you who moderate this BS, have honestly let a good thing go to hell.

10-06-2008, 05:14 AM
I understand the need to rant, but are you kidding me? I was simply giving a valid reason as to why those in my group left. If you feel as if NDSU would be better off without the donations given by myself, my friends and in the names of those who have passed on, well then by all means we can stop. This is ridiculous. I've always felt like bisonville was a place to get some good football talk and maybe a little extra info on upcoming games, however, in the recent weeks it's turned into nothing but fan bashing, player crucifying, worthless name calling sh!t in my opinion. I'm sick of it, and to be honest I'm done with it. Those of you who moderate this BS, have honestly let a good thing go to hell.
Voiced my opinion. Sorry, but i think you deserved it. BTW, this site is not sponsered or endorsed by the university. I am sure you get plenty of credit for your donations from all the uppity ups, you know the whos who around NDSU. Oh, I am a NDSU engineering graduate, my step daughter attends and pays out of state tuition, I am a teammaker and I give to several of the university funds. I also drive up for every home game, a 500 mile round trip. Maybe I don't give a huge amount, but at least I don't try to be a socialite who attends games to keep up with the jones.

10-06-2008, 05:20 AM
I stood the entire game and nobody complained. Very cool!

10-06-2008, 06:00 AM
Hey come on now that's not entirely true. My dad, son, and I were in the top row yesterday and we stood and made lots of noise up there and because of it actually got people cheering in front of us. If there are enough of us that are that intense spread out throughout the dome that will only help the atmosphere. I was actually impressed with most of the crowd on our side. Alot of them stood on about 80% of 3rd downs. To be honest I was actually disappointed in the student section yesterday. Not because alot left at halftime, that always happens, but from the lack of noise that came out of there. I was directly across from them and thought they were almost quiet compared to most weeks.

my throat still hurts and hard to talk, i was in the student section and kept yelling lets go bison, defense etc...not always would people join in, i was in the south section and next time i need to get in the west, more of the west students yell the ones on the south are quiet it seems. pretty frustrating.

10-06-2008, 06:15 AM
Alot of the students at that game dont give a shit about football, it was home comeing half of them were dressed in so much NDSU stuff it looked like halloween, Dont get me wrong i wear yellow and even paint my damn face, but 50% of the student section was girls that dont give a crap about football and only went because its hyped and homecomeing. They need to give the tickets to real fans and not posers. :(. I again have no voice. Definatly gonna make work difficult on monday.

10-06-2008, 03:14 PM
Alot of the students at that game dont give a shit about football, it was home comeing half of them were dressed in so much NDSU stuff it looked like halloween, Dont get me wrong i wear yellow and even paint my damn face, but 50% of the student section was girls that dont give a crap about football and only went because its hyped and homecomeing. They need to give the tickets to real fans and not posers. :(. I again have no voice. Definatly gonna make work difficult on monday.
or all the "real fans" who are students need to get their tickets and spots earlier so the fake girl fans don't have seats...

10-06-2008, 03:15 PM
Alot of the students at that game dont give a shit about football, it was home comeing half of them were dressed in so much NDSU stuff it looked like halloween, Dont get me wrong i wear yellow and even paint my damn face, but 50% of the student section was girls that dont give a crap about football and only went because its hyped and homecomeing. They need to give the tickets to real fans and not posers. :(. I again have no voice. Definatly gonna make work difficult on monday.

Meh... 'real' fans who are still students will jump through the hoops they need to in order to get their tickets. Just thought I'd put that out. Aside from that... who's to say that ladies dressed up in Halloween NDSU stuff is a bad thing? Got Bison Catholic School Girl outfits for sale at the Varsity Mart???

10-06-2008, 03:38 PM
Meh... 'real' fans who are still students will jump through the hoops they need to in order to get their tickets. Just thought I'd put that out. Aside from that... who's to say that ladies dressed up in Halloween NDSU stuff is a bad thing? Got Bison Catholic School Girl outfits for sale at the Varsity Mart???

That would be frickin awesome.

My buddy who hadn't been up in 5 years also made the comment that the young ladies at D1 were a whole lot cuter than those at D2! (I married a D2 young lady, so I am not so sure!)

10-06-2008, 08:53 PM
Are you kidding me? "true fans." Come on. I'm so sick of this term being thrown around. We all pay our teammakers fees/dues, we all buy our tickets, who are you to judge what a true fan is or is not. I'm so over some of you who continue to argue about what makes "true fans." Are you more of a "true" man if you work a construction job than if you work in retail or an office? No. We all show our support in different ways and some of you just need to accept that.

no i'm not kidding that's why i said it in the first place... yeah if you got something going on like with your family or something you absolutely have to leave then obviously that is excusable, but if you're leaving at half-time then why even come to the game? The football team is important enough to get a ticket for obviously is not that important enough I guess. If you leave at halftime why go to the game? Apparently, college football games are one half now days. It really irks me to see people leaving at half... no matter what the score people should support their team. If you have to drink why can't you wait till after the game? Why can't you drink before? Supporting your team isn't leaving at halftime.

10-06-2008, 09:27 PM
Why doesnt everyone quit worrying about what OTHER fans are or are not doing. Its none of your freaking business if they choose to stand or not.
If you are respectful of those AROUND you that behavior will most likely be returned in kind. What the hell is so hard to understand about that????

10-06-2008, 09:30 PM
no i'm not kidding that's why i said it in the first place... yeah if you got something going on like with your family or something you absolutely have to leave then obviously that is excusable, but if you're leaving at half-time then why even come to the game? The football team is important enough to get a ticket for obviously is not that important enough I guess. If you leave at halftime why go to the game? Apparently, college football games are one half now days. It really irks me to see people leaving at half... no matter what the score people should support their team. If you have to drink why can't you wait till after the game? Why can't you drink before? Supporting your team isn't leaving at halftime.

Its really none of your business why a person chooses to leave the game. PL

10-06-2008, 09:37 PM
I'm starting to get worried about the situation in the FFD. I'm headed to the WIU game this weekend, and (OK, don't anyone hit me when I say this) I've never actually been to a Bison game. Wasn't a football fan in undergrad (2000-2003 seasons, so some rather down years), but getting some good seats at Georgia Tech has gotten me fired up about GT and NDSU football, and I'll be cheering both programs on even if one of them hits the skids. (Not expecting that any time soon, thankfully.) I've only been to games here at Tech, where even in the President's Box there's lots of standing and hollering. In the student section, where I "sit" almost every game now, I'm on my feet for everything except halftime, and I'm making noise every down the opponent's offense is on the field (except maybe the last 2-3 minutes in a blowout). You guys make it sound like the Dome will be a tea party where I'm expected to sit down and golf clap the whole game. Is it that bad? Anyone know what it's likely to be like in Section 30? (We got our tickets five days after they went on sale, and Sec. 30 Row O was the best spot we could find four tickets together.) I'm psyched for this game, and I sure don't want to be escorted out for standing and cheering the whole game.

10-06-2008, 09:39 PM
I'm starting to get worried about the situation in the FFD. I'm headed to the WIU game this weekend, and (OK, don't anyone hit me when I say this) I've never actually been to a Bison game. Wasn't a football fan in undergrad (2000-2003 seasons, so some rather down years), but getting some good seats at Georgia Tech has gotten me fired up about GT and NDSU football, and I'll be cheering both programs on even if one of them hits the skids. (Not expecting that any time soon, thankfully.) I've only been to games here at Tech, where even in the President's Box there's lots of standing and hollering. In the student section, where I "sit" almost every game now, I'm on my feet for everything except halftime, and I'm making noise every down the opponent's offense is on the field (except maybe the last 2-3 minutes in a blowout). You guys make it sound like the Dome will be a tea party where I'm expected to sit down and golf clap the whole game. Is it that bad? Anyone know what it's likely to be like in Section 30? (We got our tickets five days after they went on sale, and Sec. 30 Row O was the best spot we could find four tickets together.) I'm psyched for this game, and I sure don't want to be escorted out for standing and cheering the whole game.

Be respectfull of those around you and you wont have any problems. PL

10-06-2008, 11:26 PM
Be respectfull of those around you and you wont have any problems. PL

Its hard to be respectful when you stand up and you get a "SIT DOWN!!!" come from behind you.

10-06-2008, 11:32 PM
Its hard to be respectful when you stand up and you get a "SIT DOWN!!!" come from behind you.

Turn around and reply nicely that you are at a football game and that there are TIMES that you will be standing.
If the person starts to harrass you then report them to security. PL

10-07-2008, 12:23 AM
I agree. I was in section 21 towards the northwest corner and most people were sitting, I just played along because I've been bitched at many times for standing up and I didn't want to deal with it. A guy sitting next to be was probably in his 80s and had oxygen with him, I can understand if someone like that wants people sitting in front of him...But obviously the vast majority of people wouldn't have much of a problem standing up and shouldn't be mad at people for standing in front of them. It's not a frickin piano recital...

10-07-2008, 12:25 AM
A security guard came up to my kids and told them to sit down, they are in the wine and cheese section 1 row 5 on the west side. Can they bounce you if you don't comply?

10-07-2008, 12:27 AM
A security guard came up to my kids and told them to sit down, they are in the wine and cheese section 1 row 5 on the west side. Can they bounce you if you don't comply?
Wow that is ridiculus

10-07-2008, 12:31 AM
Whats funny is I go to other venues where there are 70-80 thousand people in the stands and there is NEVER a problem. Seems everyone knows when it appropriate to stand and they dont give any shit to those that dont.
So WHY is there a a problem in the FD????? Or is it more of small isolated instances??? Does the admin need to draw up a ""Fan code of conduct"" that many schools have and is read at every game so no one cant say they didnt know whats expected off them.

Its a shame that some need to have it spelled out for them because the majority know how to act and get along.

One must also remember that there are over 18,000 plus fans at the games so a BIG majority of the people who are there never have a problem. PL

10-07-2008, 01:31 AM
Its really none of your business why a person chooses to leave the game. PL

If people can't stay at a game to support their team the whole time for no good reason, then they have NO BUISNESS being there

10-07-2008, 01:47 AM
Students are students. Pretty fickle bunch. I don't like seeing so many empty student seats in the 2nd half but that is something that has always happened at the Dome. The students have a right to do whatever they want even if it bugs me.

I don't see a direct correlation between standing and cheering and sitting and cheering and how hard you support your team. I can stand the whole game and see but the people I am with might not. Stand and cheer but to stand the WHOLE time and my kid can't see isn't very cool.

Another thing, with all the alcohol, the Bison games aren't very family friendly at times and that is becoming more and more of a problem. Price of progress I guess.

10-07-2008, 02:00 AM
If people can't stay at a game to support their team the whole time for no good reason, then they have NO BUISNESS being there

Wow now you are trying to dictate who should buy tickets depending on if they leave the game early. LOL This is getting way past ridiculous. PL

10-07-2008, 02:04 AM
Students are students. Pretty fickle bunch. I don't like seeing so many empty student seats in the 2nd half but that is something that has always happened at the Dome. The students have a right to do whatever they want even if it bugs me.

I don't see a direct correlation between standing and cheering and sitting and cheering and how hard you support your team. I can stand the whole game and see but the people I am with might not. Stand and cheer but to stand the WHOLE time and my kid can't see isn't very cool.

Another thing, with all the alcohol, the Bison games aren't very family friendly at times and that is becoming more and more of a problem. Price of progress I guess.
Now football games have to be family friendly! Geez, give me a break If you want G rated go to chuch or possibly a Disney movie. Maybe the players should block and tackle in a kinder, gentler fashion for you too.

10-07-2008, 02:12 AM
Be respectfull of those around you and you wont have any problems. PL
PL, you don't seem to be geting it,,,,,,,,the biggest offenders are people who think everyone should sit nearly the entire game. They bitch to security all the time and harass those that stand for a few downs.
Only solution: Make a family friendly quiet section for those who want to watch, sit, eat and be entertained. Fargo folks are way out of their comfort zone if fans participate in cheering for their team. Unbelievable but true.

10-07-2008, 02:13 AM
Students are students. Pretty fickle bunch. I don't like seeing so many empty student seats in the 2nd half but that is something that has always happened at the Dome. The students have a right to do whatever they want even if it bugs me.

I don't see a direct correlation between standing and cheering and sitting and cheering and how hard you support your team. I can stand the whole game and see but the people I am with might not. Stand and cheer but to stand the WHOLE time and my kid can't see isn't very cool.

Another thing, with all the alcohol, the Bison games aren't very family friendly at times and that is becoming more and more of a problem. Price of progress I guess.

There was a time when crowds were family friendly and whole families went to games with out the fear that some lout would be drunk and use foul language etc PL

10-07-2008, 02:18 AM
There was a time when crowds were family friendly and whole families went to games with out the fear that some lout would be drunk and use foul language etc PL

How far back was that? As a youngster, I remember plenty of drunk louts using foul language at Dacotah Field in the early 80's.

10-07-2008, 02:21 AM
PL, you don't seem to be geting it,,,,,,,,the biggest offenders are people who think everyone should sit nearly the entire game. They bitch to security all the time and harass those that stand for a few downs.
Only solution: Make a family friendly quiet section for those who want to watch, sit, eat and be entertained. Fargo folks are way out of their comfort zone if fans participate in cheering for their team. Unbelievable but true.

I do get it and understand that there are a few old codgers that dont want anyone standing in front of them.

But in reality how many incidents are there per game???

But in kind there are many here who think they should beable to stand for the entire game and act like they want to without regards to others around them.

If you are having a problem complain to the powers that be. Get them to put a letter in the season ticket envelope to inform everyone that people will stand at football games. But to me its ridiculous as common sense should come into play. But some people need parameters in black and white so they know exactly how they they should act or they then cross the line. Geeez. I just cant believe this is an issue. PL

10-07-2008, 02:26 AM
How far back was that? As a youngster, I remember plenty of drunk louts using foul language at Dacotah Field in the early 80's.

I guess that was in the 60s and early 70s. Good behavior never graduates, Unfortunately some tuck it away in the closet at there own choosing. Now why would one want to act one way at a football game and differently while at home????? PL

10-07-2008, 03:42 AM
I was at the game yesterday and during the first quarter the guy behind me tells me to sit down......I politely turned around and said this is a football game I have every right to stand if I want........well he proceeds to tell me that his guests can't see when i'm standing and that I don't need to stand for every play.........I simply told him that if he listened to Coach Bohl during the week he told ALL fans to stand.......and left it at that and he did politely leave me alone the rest of the game......I have been reading posts on here for sometime now and have read all the posts about standing and sitting and the blue hairs in the stands.......I am finally tired of it.....Would it be possible to open more seating for the students? I hate going to the game and not having the atmosphere of a college football game......Why can't we just go to the games, stand and get loud when we want. You watch any game you want and the fans are crazy. I realize that this isn't a big time atmosphere but come on people lets make some noise. If my rant is out of line I apologize, because I know that the people that post on here are the true fans of the Bison. Anyway, great victory yesterday although the first half was a bit dicey but all in all the day was great.

Hey Bison68, did you know that you have the honor of being the 3000th registered user on Bisonville? Congrats

10-07-2008, 03:52 AM
I was at the game yesterday and during the first quarter the guy behind me tells me to sit down......I politely turned around and said this is a football game I have every right to stand if I want........well he proceeds to tell me that his guests can't see when i'm standing and that I don't need to stand for every play.........I simply told him that if he listened to Coach Bohl during the week he told ALL fans to stand.......and left it at that and he did politely leave me alone the rest of the game......I have been reading posts on here for sometime now and have read all the posts about standing and sitting and the blue hairs in the stands.......I am finally tired of it.....Would it be possible to open more seating for the students? I hate going to the game and not having the atmosphere of a college football game......Why can't we just go to the games, stand and get loud when we want. You watch any game you want and the fans are crazy. I realize that this isn't a big time atmosphere but come on people lets make some noise. If my rant is out of line I apologize, because I know that the people that post on here are the true fans of the Bison. Anyway, great victory yesterday although the first half was a bit dicey but all in all the day was great.

So you stood all game knowing that the people behind you couldnt see????

10-07-2008, 04:01 AM
when tickets are sold the sale should have a disclaimer that says as a fan they will not whine about somebody standing in front of them or maybe they should create a "sitters" section perferably near the top

10-07-2008, 04:34 AM
when tickets are sold the sale should have a disclaimer that says as a fan they will not whine about somebody standing in front of them or maybe they should create a "sitters" section perferably near the top

Standing the whole game is just plain rude. One sure way to get rid of the undesirables (kids, families, short people, loyal but want to sit) is to continue to do just that. I imagine there would be lots of tickets for the self proclaimed "better" fans. What makes you think you are a better fan than somebody who wants to sit and cheer most of the game and still see??

10-07-2008, 04:59 AM
im really torn on the subject of standing at bison football games...to be completley honest i did not mind at all back in the day where a guy could go up it between the 20-30 yard line 10 or so rows from the top not having a person within 10 or so seats and just sprawling out with an arm on each seat to the left and right and both legs occupying the seats below...talk about living the life of luxery...i just dont believe that there are that many die hard football fans in the FM area obviously there are a few but look at all the blue seats you see on saturdays and the student section clearing out at halfime so on and so forth...i dont no what to think ive been to some pretty big time games (ohio state penn state 2005 aka the original white out ohio state penn state 2007 ohio state iowa 2006 penn state nebraska hopefully crew cabbin it to columbus with SD october 25th for ohio state penn state at the shoe) and you litterally cant sit if you want to see the game at that level of college football...each and every person at those games absolutley live and die with their football team...i just dont see that at the fargodome i never have but lets be honest its gotten a whole lot better and with the compitition this conference will bring to the dome day in and day out the level of fan involvement should increase...bottom line is i believe the atmosphere at any college in athletics starts with the student section and while there yellow out is sweet seeing them clear out like they do each and every saturday makes me sick

10-07-2008, 11:30 AM
Im Just Going To Stand On My Head The Whole Next Game And Really P^%$$ Everyone Off.

10-07-2008, 07:50 PM
PL, you don't seem to be geting it,,,,,,,,the biggest offenders are people who think everyone should sit nearly the entire game. They bitch to security all the time and harass those that stand for a few downs.
Only solution: Make a family friendly quiet section for those who want to watch, sit, eat and be entertained. Fargo folks are way out of their comfort zone if fans participate in cheering for their team. Unbelievable but true.

This worked well for the Jets games…..everyone knew where the rowdy section was and where the family section was….if you wanted to be a bit offensive and stand you sat by the beer garden….if you had your kids with you sat on the other side. Very simple….how would you do this at the FD, not sure!

10-07-2008, 08:00 PM
Maybe I'm just the odd one here but I thought the atmostphere was great at the dome against SIU. I was able to yell and cheer the whole game from my seat and then on 3rd down when SIU was on offense I jumped up, along with everyone else in the dome and screamed my lungs out to cause some chaos. If I could describe the perfect game it would have people up on their feet acting crazy while the visitors are on offense (all 4 downs) and then people sitting down while we are on offense. I don't see the point of standing while we're on offense, generally that's the time when the crowd should be quiet anyway. Just my thoughts.

10-07-2008, 08:49 PM
We go to the game as a family and try to teach our kids that it is fun to stand and cheer. My (young) kids already know that it is fun to stand and yell but that we sit so other people can see. We stand on all the key plays and we scream just as loud from our sitting positions on all the other plays. My 2year old already chants lets go bison continuously

10-07-2008, 08:49 PM
Maybe I'm just the odd one here but I thought the atmostphere was great at the dome against SIU. I was able to yell and cheer the whole game from my seat and then on 3rd down when SIU was on offense I jumped up, along with everyone else in the dome and screamed my lungs out to cause some chaos. If I could describe the perfect game it would have people up on their feet acting crazy while the visitors are on offense (all 4 downs) and then people sitting down while we are on offense. I don't see the point of standing while we're on offense, generally that's the time when the crowd should be quiet anyway. Just my thoughts.
On 3rd downs the only time most everyone got up was when the announcer had to prompt people to do so. Other times maybe a third of the dome would stand during 3rd downs.
There is nothing wrong with standing for all 3 or 4 downs if the game score is close in the second half or anytime the opponent is in the red zone. Who said 3rd down is the only appropriate time to stand and cheer?

10-07-2008, 09:14 PM
On 3rd downs the only time most everyone got up was when the announcer had to prompt people to do so. Other times maybe a third of the dome would stand during 3rd downs.
There is nothing wrong with standing for all 3 or 4 downs if the game score is close in the second half or anytime the opponent is in the red zone. Who said 3rd down is the only appropriate time to stand and cheer?

Agreed...I caught myself being one of the only ones standing in my area during non-third downs...When you get the opponents in a 2nd and 13 situation, I think cheering loud is necessary.

10-07-2008, 09:46 PM
Maybe I'm just the odd one here but I thought the atmostphere was great at the dome against SIU. I was able to yell and cheer the whole game from my seat and then on 3rd down when SIU was on offense I jumped up, along with everyone else in the dome and screamed my lungs out to cause some chaos. If I could describe the perfect game it would have people up on their feet acting crazy while the visitors are on offense (all 4 downs) and then people sitting down while we are on offense. I don't see the point of standing while we're on offense, generally that's the time when the crowd should be quiet anyway. Just my thoughts.

I also thought the evironment was great and had no trouble intermingling with the 'standers' and 'sitters.' I stood more than most around me but and no one seemed to care one bit. Common sense will dictate to 99% of the fans when is a good time to stand or sit and how it can vary tremendously depending on the game. It's really not that complicated and I think we're all analyzing this thing to death. Just use your head.

10-07-2008, 10:54 PM
who has the right to tell another person how to act at a football game
if you stand or sit, yell or not, thats your priority
dont worry about the other 18000 people who are there to enjoy the game theor way

10-08-2008, 01:16 AM
I think the PA announcer's encouraging everybody to stand up for kickoffs and on important 3rd downs is a good idea. At least there will be peace and harmony in the dome on a few plays! :nod:

10-08-2008, 02:01 AM
I think the PA announcer's encouraging everybody to stand up for kickoffs and on important 3rd downs is a good idea. At least there will be peace and harmony in the dome on a few plays! :nod:
In general, fans at the dome suck (except for the student section and about 2000 others). Just the fact that healthy people on this board defend their own lazy butts sitting, eating, knitting and reading makes me want to puke. Go ahead do your thing......I plan on standing as much as I see fit. Since you spectators are so busy doing other stuff you are not missing much anyway.

10-08-2008, 02:21 AM
In general, fans at the dome suck (except for the student section and about 2000 others). Just the fact that healthy people on this board defend their own lazy butts sitting, eating, knitting and reading makes me want to puke. Go ahead do your thing......I plan on standing as much as I see fit. Since you spectators are so busy doing other stuff you are not missing much anyway.

So, approximately 14,000 people who attend Bison games "suck"? Aren't those sucky people in the great majority? Why is that? Good luck on your quest to sell out the dome with non-sucky Bison fans!

10-08-2008, 02:43 AM
In general, fans at the dome suck (except for the student section and about 2000 others). Just the fact that healthy people on this board defend their own lazy butts sitting, eating, knitting and reading makes me want to puke. Go ahead do your thing......I plan on standing as much as I see fit. Since you spectators are so busy doing other stuff you are not missing much anyway.

I've heard that line before. Where was it....


Well, if those healthy lazy people doing all that complaining only had a clue:


I also find it upsetting:


Sorry, that was for Lakes Please ignore :blush:

But remember, there are rules at the Fargodome, so be careful


10-08-2008, 05:06 AM
So, approximately 14,000 people who attend Bison games "suck"? Aren't those sucky people in the great majority? Why is that? Good luck on your quest to sell out the dome with non-sucky Bison fans!

i see what SDs saying and thats why i want to crew cab to columbus with him...i am not being sacrastic so for those of you who know SD as a person listen to this...at a penn state game (or any other crazy college football atmosphere) you are litterally surrounded by 108,000 SDbisons...SDs the defination of a proto type...hes the type of football fan that makes the atmosphere in these stadiums so special...as far as the 14,000 who SD says "suck" as fans you have to remember that the dome before the past 2 and half seasons prolly averaged around maybe 14,000 fans being generous so automatically out of the 18+ thousand who are attending now 4,000 of them are what you could call band wagoners...that cuts SDs number down to 14,000 of which u cut out another 4,000 students so your left with 10,000 fans and i think hes right about maybe 2,000 or so would classify as your typical college football fan not from fargo meaning only around 8,000 or so fans "suck"...its not that the "suck" so much as they are not what most the country would call a college football fan...SD litterally is the type of fan craig bohl is calling for to fill the fargodome and make noise...he is the definition of "THE MAN!"

10-08-2008, 01:52 PM
I haven't been to any DI football games other then NDSU and Minnesota. I have watched parts of countless on TV. On TV, I have noticed the students standing but have not noticed EVERYBODY standing all the time. Guess I just have to pay better attention.

Mr. Burgundy
10-08-2008, 02:47 PM
You can stand on first and second down if you want to. I asked.

10-08-2008, 03:04 PM
Slick, I agree that there are a fair number of "band wagoners". There always will be when you have a winning program. The fact is that the good-times fans are the ones who make the difference between a so-so athletic program and a highly successful one. $$$$!!! Why do you suppose that NDSU football has a big billboard near my hometown in western ND, nearly 400 miles from Fargo? "Will YOU be there" it says. It's the butts in the seats that pay the bills and it's important to the long term success of the football program that NDSU welcomes all fans, fanatics and band-wagoners alike, and gives them a good expereince at Bison games.


10-08-2008, 03:55 PM
Slick, I agree that there are a fair number of "band wagoners". There always will be when you have a winning program. The fact is that the good-times fans are the ones who make the difference between a so-so athletic program and a highly successful one. $$$$!!! Why do you suppose that NDSU football has a big billboard near my hometown in western ND, nearly 400 miles from Fargo? "Will YOU be there" it says. It's the butts in the seats that pay the bills and it's important to the long term success of the football program that NDSU welcomes all fans, fanatics and band-wagoners alike, and gives them a good expereince at Bison games.

I realize there will alway be some percentage of fans who will not stand or cheer....even at Penn State or Ohio State. At those places maybe only a few percent. Compare that to the Fargodome where 50 or 60% rarely or never cheer during a game. I have heard about a dozen incidents of people attending a Bison football game and actually reading a book during the game (I don't think that happens at all at the big time programs). This happening while there are active fans that cannot buy a ticket. Add to this hundreds of stuck up teammakers not attending big games yet not even trying to sell or give away their tickets. I don't get it. Is there some sort of midwest, closed mindedness that says I will do what I want but don't you dare do anything around me that is out of my comfort zone....like actually getting into a game like other fans do all around the country. To me the idle fan is the oddity here, not someone who paints their face, dresses in team gear and cheers, stands and jumps around all game. Those who get into the game should never have to compromise their experience except if asked to do so kindly by a handicapped or older debilitated person.

10-08-2008, 04:00 PM
Let in more students!!!

10-08-2008, 04:20 PM
Let in more students!!!

I agree but don't let them leave until the game is over :hide:

10-08-2008, 04:23 PM
I read one of the SIU articles that said their players didn't think the Fargodome wasn't as loud as they thought it would be. I think it was an improvement over past games, but we have a lot of work to do if we want to create a hostile enviroment for our vistors.

10-08-2008, 04:27 PM
I read one of the SIU articles that said their players didn't think the Fargodome wasn't as loud as they thought it would be. I think it was an improvement over past games, but we have a lot of work to do if we want to create a hostile enviroment for our vistors.

Actually I though this game was quieter than some of the more recent close games... Even the first game this year was loud at the beginning.

10-08-2008, 05:33 PM
Slick, I agree that there are a fair number of "band wagoners". There always will be when you have a winning program. The fact is that the good-times fans are the ones who make the difference between a so-so athletic program and a highly successful one. $$$$!!! Why do you suppose that NDSU football has a big billboard near my hometown in western ND, nearly 400 miles from Fargo? "Will YOU be there" it says. It's the butts in the seats that pay the bills and it's important to the long term success of the football program that NDSU welcomes all fans, fanatics and band-wagoners alike, and gives them a good expereince at Bison games.


no ya what u said is right i wasnt saying its a bad thing...itd be a real fun sychological study to try and figure out why exactly the fargo fans are what they are...even go to a concordia cobber football game and there is very few fans who leave early in fact i would argue that most concordia football fans are more in tune and involved in the game then those i sit with and around at the fargodome...shocking and sad but true...i agree saturday was one of the most disapointing atmospheres ive seen at the dome in a long long time...i was just jacked for that game but once i got there it felt more like a funeral then a football game

10-08-2008, 05:52 PM
Tailgating ruled.which is what mattered

10-08-2008, 06:48 PM
I realize there will alway be some percentage of fans who will not stand or cheer....even at Penn State or Ohio State. At those places maybe only a few percent. Compare that to the Fargodome where 50 or 60% rarely or never cheer during a game. I have heard about a dozen incidents of people attending a Bison football game and actually reading a book during the game (I don't think that happens at all at the big time programs). This happening while there are active fans that cannot buy a ticket. Add to this hundreds of stuck up teammakers not attending big games yet not even trying to sell or give away their tickets. I don't get it. Is there some sort of midwest, closed mindedness that says I will do what I want but don't you dare do anything around me that is out of my comfort zone....like actually getting into a game like other fans do all around the country. To me the idle fan is the oddity here, not someone who paints their face, dresses in team gear and cheers, stands and jumps around all game. Those who get into the game should never have to compromise their experience except if asked to do so kindly by a handicapped or older debilitated person.

Thats a pretty big brush stroke you are making. Plus I find your figures to be outright BS. 50-60 % that never cheer???? Or do you mean 50-60 % that dont cheer the way you want them too??? My god man now you are attacking TeamMaker members etc.
As far as supposed active fans not being able to get tickets???? If they are supposedly so active why dont they have tickets??? No excuses.
I guess they only people you feel need to compromise are the fans that dont want to stand on every down and should tolerate any type of behavior even though THEIR experience is being compromised.


Bison Dan
10-08-2008, 07:18 PM
no ya what u said is right i wasnt saying its a bad thing...itd be a real fun sychological study to try and figure out why exactly the fargo fans are what they are...even go to a concordia cobber football game and there is very few fans who leave early in fact i would argue that most concordia football fans are more in tune and involved in the game then those i sit with and around at the fargodome...shocking and sad but true...i agree saturday was one of the most disapointing atmospheres ive seen at the dome in a long long time...i was just jacked for that game but once i got there it felt more like a funeral then a football game

Anytime a team plays as poorly as ours did the first half most crowds are going to be somewhat dead. I thought the second half was good for fan atmosphere. Specially when the Diesel gets the fans going!!!

10-08-2008, 08:06 PM
Are we at a point that if you don’t wear yellow, don’t find someone to take your tickets if you can’t go, don’t stay for the whole game, don’t want to stand the whole game, don’t want to sit behind somebody standing the whole game, don’t go home with a sore voice, don’t like to sit next to people cussing and can’t stand up straight that you aren’t a true fan? Are the ushers supposed to ask people going to the concourse if they intend to come back and if not record their ticket number and name and put it on the big screen? Please don’t take a good experience and turn it into something people don’t want to be involved with. Careful!!

10-08-2008, 08:13 PM
I think we have done enough bitching about colors, standing, sitting, reading, yelling etc for the year. Do the actions of others really make a difference at how much you enjoy the games? Does the fact that there are some blue seats change the outcome of the game? If the person in front of you is wearing a plaid shirt, does that take the fun out of the game?


Can we get back to talking about the BISON??

10-08-2008, 08:50 PM
I think we have done enough bitching about colors, standing, sitting, reading, yelling etc for the year. Do the actions of others really make a difference at how much you enjoy the games? Does the fact that there are some blue seats change the outcome of the game? If the person in front of you is wearing a plaid shirt, does that take the fun out of the game?


Can we get back to talking about the BISON??

AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!

Bison Dan
10-08-2008, 08:54 PM
I think we have done enough bitching about colors, standing, sitting, reading, yelling etc for the year. Do the actions of others really make a difference at how much you enjoy the games? Does the fact that there are some blue seats change the outcome of the game? If the person in front of you is wearing a plaid shirt, does that take the fun out of the game?


Can we get back to talking about the BISON??

Right On! Some people need to bitch just to be heard.

10-08-2008, 09:02 PM
I realize there will alway be some percentage of fans who will not stand or cheer....even at Penn State or Ohio State. At those places maybe only a few percent. Compare that to the Fargodome where 50 or 60% rarely or never cheer during a game. I have heard about a dozen incidents of people attending a Bison football game and actually reading a book during the game (I don't think that happens at all at the big time programs). This happening while there are active fans that cannot buy a ticket. Add to this hundreds of stuck up teammakers not attending big games yet not even trying to sell or give away their tickets. I don't get it. Is there some sort of midwest, closed mindedness that says I will do what I want but don't you dare do anything around me that is out of my comfort zone....like actually getting into a game like other fans do all around the country. To me the idle fan is the oddity here, not someone who paints their face, dresses in team gear and cheers, stands and jumps around all game. Those who get into the game should never have to compromise their experience except if asked to do so kindly by a handicapped or older debilitated person.

Thats a pretty big brush stroke you are making. Plus I find your figures to be outright BS. 50-60 % that never cheer???? Or do you mean 50-60 % that dont cheer the way you want them too??? My god man now you are attacking TeamMaker members etc.
As far as supposed active fans not being able to get tickets???? If they are supposedly so active why dont they have tickets??? No excuses.
I guess they only people you feel need to compromise are the fans that dont want to stand on every down and should tolerate any type of behavior even though THEIR experience is being compromised.

I call it like I see it PL. Don't mess with my quote. I said 50 - 60% rarely or never cheer. I have looked around and have seen it with my own eyes. About 50% only cheer on a big score or the biggest play of the game - so a few plays a game they clap - 10 seconds of effort during a 3 hour game, that is rarely. In addition, I saw at least 10 people within 5 seats / rows of me that never once cheered during the SUI game (I am not lying or exagerating).
Doesn't take much activity for a new fan to cheer more than the current average at the dome. As I have said before I have heard 5000 fans at the dumpy Sioux Falls Arena make much much more noise for the local arena football team than at the Fargodome for Bison football.
BTW, I am not attacking all teammakers, just the stuck up snobbish ones. Also, I stand by everything I said and would gladly tell it, or debate it, with any uppity teammaker, Pat Simmers or Gene Taylor.

10-08-2008, 09:04 PM
I think we have done enough bitching about colors, standing, sitting, reading, yelling etc for the year. Do the actions of others really make a difference at how much you enjoy the games? Does the fact that there are some blue seats change the outcome of the game? If the person in front of you is wearing a plaid shirt, does that take the fun out of the game?


Can we get back to talking about the BISON??
Go ahead Road, you and whoever else that doesn't give a rip.........just ignore this thread and post elsewhere.

10-08-2008, 09:22 PM
I think we have done enough bitching about colors, standing, sitting, reading, yelling etc for the year. Do the actions of others really make a difference at how much you enjoy the games? Does the fact that there are some blue seats change the outcome of the game? If the person in front of you is wearing a plaid shirt, does that take the fun out of the game?


Can we get back to talking about the BISON??

Well said Road well said. PL

10-08-2008, 09:26 PM
Well said Road well said. PL
Go ahead PL, you and whoever else that doesn't give a rip.........just ignore this thread and post elsewhere.

10-08-2008, 09:31 PM
Go ahead PL, you and whoever else that doesn't give a rip.........just ignore this thread and post elsewhere.

Considering all the displeasure you derive from attending a Bison FB game one must wonder WHY you go at all ?????? Is there ANYTHING that is OK with you???? Seriously. :confused:

10-08-2008, 09:40 PM
Considering all the displeasure you derive from attending a Bison FB game one must wonder WHY you go at all ?????? Is there ANYTHING that is OK with you???? Seriously. :confused:
Yes. I like to go to Bison games, stand up and and cheer for the team without you self-rightous lazy aSSes harassing me for doing so. Until you experienced what we went hrough in section 21 you can stick it where the sun don't shine. Does that help PL?
I grew up in the FM area and the fans that have taken over the dome are not even close to the type that used to attend Bison games at Dacotah Field. Just because you went to NDSU for a couple years a long time ago deosn't make you an expert.

10-08-2008, 09:45 PM
Yes. I like to go to Bison games, stand up and and cheer for the team without you self-rightous lazy aSSes harassing me for doing so. Until you experienced what we went hrough in section 21 you can stick it where the sun don't shine. Does that help PL?
I grew up in the FM area and the fans that have taken over the dome are not even close to the type that used to attend Bison games at Dacotah Field. Just because you went to NDSU for a couple years a long time ago deosn't make you an expert.

Best you look at WHO is being self-rightious. But I asked a question and its too bad you couldnt answer it in a civil manner. May be if you checked your attitude at the door you wouldnt be experiencing the problems that you are. 18000 + fans seem to get along just fine.
Just a thought.

10-08-2008, 09:51 PM
I attended quite a few games at Dacotah Field. I really don't see that much difference with the fans then as those today (except for the alcohol in the stands at Dacotah). We didn't stand continually over there either. In fact there was probably more sitting there than at the dome. Even back when I was in the student section at Dacotah, we weren't on our feet and screaming the entire game.

The big difference at Dacotah Field were the fans there on the nasty weather days. Only the hardcode fans showed up for those games. (No one was there reading books on those days.)

10-08-2008, 10:46 PM
So you stood all game knowing that the people behind you couldnt see????

No I didn't stand the whole game while the people couldn't see........I was very polite....It was just a time during the first quarter where I was standing when this happened.......I politely told him that I would be standing at times throughout the game....When I did stand after that they would stand with me........I'm sorry I caused such a stir with this topic...

10-08-2008, 11:04 PM
No I didn't stand the whole game while the people couldn't see........I was very polite....It was just a time during the first quarter where I was standing when this happened.......I politely told him that I would be standing at times throughout the game....When I did stand after that they would stand with me........I'm sorry I caused such a stir with this topic...

Sounds as though you handled the situation very well.
I have a guy in front of me who REALLY gets into the game and is much more excitable than Iam. LOL I call him a leaper.
He jumps up and then He apologizes. I keep telling him to not worry about it and to stand when he wants to as I can usually see around him. We all get along just fine. The thing is he is mindful of those around him.
Plus I think it makes a difference when at the beginning of the season we all introduced ourselves. After that we all looked forward to seeing each other at the next game as a rapport was established. PL

10-09-2008, 12:31 AM
We are all in concurrance that we should stand and make as much noise as possible.

How about those around you that fart and it smells bad. LOL.

10-09-2008, 02:24 AM
I read one of the SIU articles that said their players didn't think the Fargodome wasn't as loud as they thought it would be. I think it was an improvement over past games, but we have a lot of work to do if we want to create a hostile enviroment for our vistors.

I disagree with the "hostile environment for our visitors" idea. IMO, hostile environments do nothing to distract or demoralize the visitors. In fact, I believe that the opposite is the usual result because the opponents tend to ratchet up their intensity.

If you really want to help your team, encourage them as much as possible and forget about riding the opponents and the officials. It's a well known fact that people respond better to positive feedback. Cheer smart, my friends.

10-09-2008, 02:41 AM
I disagree with the "hostile environment for our visitors" idea. IMO, hostile environments do nothing to distract or demoralize the visitors. In fact, I believe that the opposite is the usual result because the opponents tend to ratchet up their intensity.

If you really want to help your team, encourage them as much as possible and forget about riding the opponents and the officials. It's a well known fact that people respond better to positive feedback. Cheer smart, my friends.
Yeah, but "Two's a really nice guy" just doesn't roll off the tongue!! :D *

*I kid because I care...and no, I haven't actually said that cheer in quite a few years. Not appropriate where I sit. Herd Mentality sits close by, and he is impressionable.

10-09-2008, 06:03 AM
Thread done

10-09-2008, 03:19 PM
Yeah, but "Two's a really nice guy" just doesn't roll off the tongue!! :D *

*I kid because I care...and no, I haven't actually said that cheer in quite a few years. Not appropriate where I sit. Herd Mentality sits close by, and he is impressionable.

I can't believe that chant is still going on. I'm pretty sure that started while I was in school in the late 90s.

10-09-2008, 05:26 PM
I got this email today and thought it fit in with the thread...


Thank you so much for an extremely successful NDSU Homecoming Week! Please be sure to extend a thank you to all entities that helped organize a wonderful week of events!

As a symbol of good sportsmanship, before kickoff our football team met the visiting team at center-field and shook hands to wish each other good luck in what was to be a very exciting game. As fans, we too need to display good sportsmanship.

Some complaints have been brought to our attention that our student section occasionally chants things that are very inappropriate and discriminatory. The Fargodome staff can eject fans for unacceptable behavior and we don't want that to happen. While we commend and encourage cheering as loud as we can in support of the Bison, we also need to respect our opponent. In the future, please join us in applause as we welcome the opposing team when they enter the Fargodome.

As President Chapman said in his State of the University Address last Thursday, "Our students will not be fully prepared for a diverse, global work world if they are not part of an *inclusive*university environment." With pride and character, please join us in an effort to help make everyone feel welcome at NDSU, wherever we may be.

We'll see you at the game this Saturday.


Joe Heilman and Pramita Sen
NDSU Student Body President and Vice President, 2008-2009

10-09-2008, 05:42 PM
I can't believe that chant is still going on. I'm pretty sure that started while I was in school in the late 90s.
It started before that.

10-09-2008, 05:50 PM
I got this email today and thought it fit in with the thread...

10-09-2008, 08:06 PM
clap for the opposing team??? wow SD is going to have a hay day with that one...

10-09-2008, 08:31 PM
clap for the opposing team??? wow SD is going to have a hay day with that one...
It will be a cold day in hell when I applaud the visiting team. Where do these PC idiots come from. It an F'ing college football game and now the weenies want everyone to cheer as the other team runs into the Fargodome? They are the opponent, the enemy on the field. No sound or a few boos won't hurt them or anyone else. Why stop with applause for the visiting team, why not spot them 6 points on the scoreboard too.
Also noted there is a lot of latitude in this remark:
"The Fargodome staff can eject fans for unacceptable behavior"
So what are the specifics? Too much standing? Too much cheering? Can you say crap that was a bad call, or just that was a bad call?

10-09-2008, 08:34 PM
I got this email today and thought it fit in with the thread...

What a bunch of horse shit...I can agree with not doing the the two's a fa**ot chant, but cheering for the other team? Give me a break.

10-09-2008, 08:36 PM
It will be a cold day in hell when I applaud the visiting team. Where do these PC idiots come from. It an F'ing college football game and now the weenies want everyone to cheer as the other team runs into the Fargodome? They are the opponent, the enemy on the field. No sound or a few boos won't hurt them or anyone else. Why stop with applause for the visiting team, why not spot them 6 points on the scoreboard too.
Also noted there is a lot of latitude in this remark:
"The Fargodome staff can eject fans for unacceptable behavior"
So what are the specifics? Too much standing? Too much cheering? Can you say crap that was a bad call, or just that was a bad call?
I agree with you SD, that's going way too far...

10-09-2008, 08:46 PM
What a bunch of horse shit...I can agree with not doing the the two's a fa**ot chant, but cheering for the other team? Give me a break.

I agree, I understand saying don't chant racist or sexist slurs but cheer the other team...that is bull. Hopefully, the Dome security staff doesn't let this statement be an excuse to go on a power trip.

BTW-I fully plan on welcoming WIU to the fargodome with a chant of "Illini rejects" and anyone else is welcome to join me.

10-09-2008, 09:20 PM
I agree, I understand saying don't chant racist or sexist slurs but cheer the other team...that is bull. Hopefully, the Dome security staff doesn't let this statement be an excuse to go on a power trip.

BTW-I fully plan on welcoming WIU to the fargodome with a chant of "Illini rejects" and anyone else is welcome to join me.

ndsustudent, where do you sit for the game??? I want a good seat, but i also want to tailgate with friends and hopefully CA and others for sometime, just wondering if you or any other students that want to yell and have a good time possibly save 2 spots for me in the student section so i can have a good spot, i love starting chants and what not, but last week I was 4 rows from the top, til the 2nd half, not a lof of fun...so if someone wouldn't mind that would be awesome!!!!

10-09-2008, 09:30 PM
I agree, I understand saying don't chant racist or sexist slurs but cheer the other team...that is bull. Hopefully, the Dome security staff doesn't let this statement be an excuse to go on a power trip.

BTW-I fully plan on welcoming WIU to the fargodome with a chant of "Illini rejects" and anyone else is welcome to join me.

NDSUstudent, I'll be in the 16th to 18th row on the far inside edge of the student section on the 32 yard line at the game. Just walk around asking for TheBisonator. I'll stand next to you and we'll get a big 'ol Illini Reject chant going!!

10-09-2008, 09:32 PM
I got this email today and thought it fit in with the thread...

That is one fine piece of literary bullshit. Geez

10-09-2008, 09:40 PM
I agree, I understand saying don't chant racist or sexist slurs but cheer the other team...that is bull. Hopefully, the Dome security staff doesn't let this statement be an excuse to go on a power trip.

BTW-I fully plan on welcoming WIU to the fargodome with a chant of "Illini rejects" and anyone else is welcome to join me.

Are you then going to check your program and see where the other players came from so you could call them rejects from the appropriate state as well???

But I would hold judgement and the calling of anyone a reject since you are a student and arent playing the game anywhere yourself now are you. No so you were a reject from even playing the game. Hmmmm be careful when you cast stones. PL

10-09-2008, 09:46 PM
[QUOTE=56BISON73;217405]Are you then going to check your program and see where the other players came from so you could call them rejects from the appropriate state as well???

I want a good loud here we go bison here we go....or lets go bison :)

10-09-2008, 09:50 PM
Are you then going to check your program and see where the other players came from so you could call them rejects from the appropriate state as well???

But I would hold judgement and the calling of anyone a reject since you are a student and arent playing the game anywhere yourself now are you. No so you were a reject from even playing the game. Hmmmm be careful when you cast stones. PL

You sound like one of the SFA players from last year, saying that he was playing and i wasnt. To which I replied that if I wanted to walk on like he did at a shitty school like SFA I could, and then proceded to inform him that I was feeling lucky, because if we were playing any other team against SFA last year we would be getting our asses kicked.

PL i think you should watch the game you want but if people want to have some interaction with players and talk and taunt them as long as its kept fairly clean they should be able to do that too. :banghead:

10-09-2008, 09:56 PM
You sound like one of the SFA players from last year, saying that he was playing and i wasnt. To which I replied that if I wanted to walk on like he did at a shitty school like SFA I could, and then proceded to inform him that I was feeling lucky, because if we were playing any other team against SFA last year we would be getting our asses kicked.

PL i think you should watch the game you want but if people want to have some interaction with players and talk and taunt them as long as its kept fairly clean they should be able to do that too. :banghead:

Hmmmm what makes you think you could have walked on????? Obviously you dont know how that works. Fact is he was on the team. You werent-arent. I guess since you cant play you may as well put those down that are. But hey if it makes you feel better about yourself have at it. PL

10-09-2008, 10:01 PM
it sure does, I like to help in any way i can. you help by being old and preachy i help by getting players off their game and making them worry about what they are going to say to me. See we both do our part

10-09-2008, 10:06 PM
it sure does, I like to help in any way i can. you help by being old and preachy i help by getting players off their game and making them worry about what they are going to say to me. See we both do our part

How do you know you are getting players off there game???? As a matter of fact opposing teams use people like you as bulletin board material. I see rationalization and justification is working well for you even though reality isnt. LOL PL

10-09-2008, 10:10 PM
it sure does, I like to help in any way i can. you help by being old and preachy i help by getting players off their game and making them worry about what they are going to say to me. See we both do our part

wow....low blow, PL is a great guy met him last week for the first time, very very nice man. No need to say that, if bohl personally asked you to not say that would you listen? If not why even respond back, just go off and do your own thing.

10-09-2008, 10:19 PM
Are you then going to check your program and see where the other players came from so you could call them rejects from the appropriate state as well???

But I would hold judgement and the calling of anyone a reject since you are a student and arent playing the game anywhere yourself now are you. No so you were a reject from even playing the game. Hmmmm be careful when you cast stones. PL

PL, I'm not about to argue with you over some stupid student section chant. Honestly, they can call me a reject if they want, in the end it is going to mean about as much as me calling them a reject.

NDSUFan_Sav, I would save you a seat but I already have somebody saving one for me. That person tends to get a little upset when you ask him to save more then a few seats(he typically is already saving 7-10 already). I wish I could help you out.

Bisonater, I think I don't sit too far away from you, maybe just the section over. If I forget to come over just keep your ears peeled because I'll get my friends going with the chant and we are pretty loud. It would be sweet to get everyone chanting that this time like we did at the K-State basketball game a few years back. I remember reading some Jayhawk boards and they got quite a kick out of hearing that.

10-09-2008, 11:35 PM
wow....low blow, PL is a great guy met him last week for the first time, very very nice man. No need to say that, if bohl personally asked you to not say that would you listen? If not why even respond back, just go off and do your own thing.

First of all im not sure what coach bohl would personally ask me not to say... so im not sure if I would. Im pretty sure Coach Bohl condones almost all actions of the student section and when it existed the Bison Brigade, Coach Bohl actually has told us to do some things that Fargo Dome security would have been pissed about. Like "Rush the field after we beat SDSU in 2006"

Herd Mentality
10-10-2008, 12:45 AM
Applaud at the beginning of the game...are you SERIOUS?!

Impeach this idiot.

I always and will continue to applaud ALL players at the END of the game.

Sioux Suck.

10-10-2008, 03:08 AM
Watched, Illinois the Journey today on the BTN... Figured out why everyone stands at PSU. Appears the majority are bench seats... just like WY was. If the FD seats were that uncomfortable, may as well stand anyway :D :D

10-10-2008, 03:11 AM
Watched, Illinois the Journey today on the BTN... Figured out why everyone stands at PSU. Appears the majority are bench seats... just like WY was. If the FD seats were that uncomfortable, may as well stand anyway :D :D

That is the way I feel whenever I watch games at the BSA, those bleachers are easily the most uncomfortable I have ever sat on.

10-10-2008, 04:58 AM
[quote=56BISON73;217405]Are you then going to check your program and see where the other players came from so you could call them rejects from the appropriate state as well???

I want a good loud here we go bison here we go....or lets go bison :)

Holding out on promises of support and waiting for lakes to come up with something 'new'...:hide: :hide: :hide:

10-10-2008, 06:33 AM
oh.. its coming... no doubt...

N D clap clap S U clap clap....


OR THIS CHANT I INVENTED in 1998 Minnesota Vikings Game... YES TRUE STORY... SECTIOn 236 REPRESENT!!


the whole dome would stand until we score .. kinda like ndsu basketball

10-10-2008, 06:40 AM
does anybody here sit in the lower part of the student section? Finally I got some of my friends to try and go with me pretty early for Saturday's game so we can sit down there, I've always wanted to sit there because everyone is intense down there but I could never get anybody to go with me really early... i wish the whole student section was like that... ill be in the lower part for the game finally.

10-10-2008, 06:49 AM
does anybody here sit in the lower part of the student section? Finally I got some of my friends to try and go with me pretty early for Saturday's game so we can sit down there, I've always wanted to sit there because everyone is intense down there but I could never get anybody to go with me really early... i wish the whole student section was like that... ill be in the lower part for the game finally.

ming mind saving me 2 spots for me and a buddy??? i want to tailgate til probably 1 hr or so before the game...would be sweet if you could :)

10-10-2008, 06:53 AM
ming mind saving me 2 spots for me and a buddy??? i want to tailgate til probably 1 hr or so before the game...would be sweet if you could :)

yeah i can do that, just look for the guy in the yellow shirt... lol... i'll be wearing a white bison cap and will prolly be in one of the farther sections just so you know

10-10-2008, 07:05 AM
does anybody here sit in the lower part of the student section? Finally I got some of my friends to try and go with me pretty early for Saturday's game so we can sit down there, I've always wanted to sit there because everyone is intense down there but I could never get anybody to go with me really early... i wish the whole student section was like that... ill be in the lower part for the game finally.

Yeah I always sit down there, usually section 16. But I wont be in the student section at this game. We need more crazy people down there. Last time I got stuck next to a bunch of freshman, there boring to stand next to. And some freshman chicks saved like 10 seats for guys and none of the guys showed up, it was funny they got stood up.

10-10-2008, 08:28 AM
Yea, I know I hate it when they do that. They should give up the seats to people that will actually stay the whole game and YELL LIKE HELL!!!

10-10-2008, 12:57 PM
oh.. its coming... no doubt...

N D clap clap S U clap clap....


OR THIS CHANT I INVENTED in 1998 Minnesota Vikings Game... YES TRUE STORY... SECTIOn 236 REPRESENT!!


the whole dome would stand until we score .. kinda like ndsu basketball
You invented this one too? In '98??? Hmmm...I remember us chanting it well before that. I remember it being chanted from the student section when the dome opened.

Thank you. Please try again.