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View Full Version : Underestimating the Internets

09-21-2008, 08:37 PM
Here's my bottom line:

There have been incidents on the news about young people that have taken things on websites like Facebook & MySpace pretty seriously. Some reactions have been tragic.

This generation of young people 'does' read the internets. They are in constant communication with technology.

No matter how 'together' that we may think they should be, or are, I ask this:

Is a football game worth dissing a 20-year-old in cyberspace?

Those of you who played for the Bison prior to the age of the internets...you had mostly 'homer' media personalities in town...or at the very least...neutral. You had Boyd Christiansen and other famous hit-men (sarcasm).

Of course...you heard criticism. You bet. And most players were capable of handling the heat. Coaches should be able to handle the heat. But particularly with the players...there are probably exceptions to the 'tough guy' theory.

One could say, if you can't take the heat, don't read it. But no matter what the coaches tell the players...they can't control access to the internets. This generation 'lives' with the internets.

I'm not feeding kool-aid to these guys. I'm feeding Bison optimism...something that many generations of Bison players have enjoyed from the real fans. FM has been 'very' good to Bison football for decades. There are a couple of idiots that try to write about the Bison in the FM media, and they actually get paid for it...which I view as a joke.

Everyone here that would like to be partly responsible for contributing to actually hurting a 20-something over a football game...please raise your hand.

Kool-aid my ass.

Some of the stuff that I've read is laced with more than sugar. It's not game analysis. It's poison.

Some people say..."if we can't analyze the game here, then what's the site for?"

So then analyze the damn game! I have no problem with that. Just lay off the kids. For some, this has gone way beyond being a hobby.

I'm not condemning bisonville as a whole...but I 'am' critisizing those who want to use one or two players as a scapegoat for what was obviously a bad performance by thee...ah...'team.'

bison dad
09-21-2008, 09:10 PM
Amen brother Amen

09-21-2008, 10:35 PM
Ahhh, refreshing...this should be a sticky.

09-21-2008, 10:46 PM
There is a lot of blame to go around as a team.

09-21-2008, 10:47 PM
Here's my bottom line:

There have been incidents on the news about young people that have taken things on websites like Facebook & MySpace pretty seriously. Some reactions have been tragic.

This generation of young people 'does' read the internets. They are in constant communication with technology.

No matter how 'together' that we may think they should be, or are, I ask this:

Is a football game worth dissing a 20-year-old in cyberspace?

Those of you who played for the Bison prior to the age of the internets...you had mostly 'homer' media personalities in town...or at the very least...neutral. You had Boyd Christiansen and other famous hit-men (sarcasm).

Of course...you heard criticism. You bet. And most players were capable of handling the heat. Coaches should be able to handle the heat. But particularly with the players...there are probably exceptions to the 'tough guy' theory.

One could say, if you can't take the heat, don't read it. But no matter what the coaches tell the players...they can't control access to the internets. This generation 'lives' with the internets.

I'm not feeding kool-aid to these guys. I'm feeding Bison optimism...something that many generations of Bison players have enjoyed from the real fans. FM has been 'very' good to Bison football for decades. There are a couple of idiots that try to write about the Bison in the FM media, and they actually get paid for it...which I view as a joke.

Everyone here that would like to be partly responsible for contributing to actually hurting a 20-something over a football game...please raise your hand.

Kool-aid my ass.

Some of the stuff that I've read is laced with more than sugar. It's not game analysis. It's poison.

Some people say..."if we can't analyze the game here, then what's the site for?"

So then analyze the damn game! I have no problem with that. Just lay off the kids. For some, this has gone way beyond being a hobby.

I'm not condemning bisonville as a whole...but I 'am' critisizing those who want to use one or two players as a scapegoat for what was obviously a bad performance by thee...ah...'team.'

There are bigger demons out there that the players have to handle than the internet. But it is part of growing up.
Yes there have been tragic results from the internet. But lets keep the drama to a minimum because there are tragic results from ETOH, Food, driving, texting while walking etc studying and final exams. Danger is everywhere--------IF you let it be. Common sense has to come in to play. If a player has a problem with whats posted then he can do two things. 1. Get better 2 Dont read this site. Its very simple. The internet is only as bad as you let it be. Just as it is with most things in life. PL

09-21-2008, 10:52 PM
I think all us Bison fans need to arrive early at the Homecoming game and chant "Mertens". This is just a little something to let him know that we Bison fans still believe in him. What do ya think?

09-21-2008, 10:55 PM
There are bigger demons out there that the players have to handle than the internet. But it is part of growing up.
Yes there have been tragic results from the internet. But lets keep the drama to a minimum because there are tragic results from ETOH, Food, driving, texting while walking etc studying and final exams. Danger is everywhere--------IF you let it be. Common sense has to come in to play. If a player has a problem with whats posted then he can do two things. 1. Get better 2 Dont read this site. Its very simple. The internet is only as bad as you let it be. Just as it is with most things in life. PL

I think the point is to keep criticism constructive and to try and keep the "Player A sucks and should be benched, demoted, shot, kicked off the team" stuff in check. Call a spade a spade, but just keep it real and in context with the big picture.

I guess what I am trying to say is go ahead and be critical of Nick, he had a couple of tough games and deserves some criticism, but to have a whole damn thread dedicated to bashing him, well, it makes me a little sad and makes me think that maybe we take this just a little too seriously.

My two cents.

09-21-2008, 10:56 PM
There are bigger demons out there that the players have to handle than the internet. But it is part of growing up.
Yes there have been tragic results from the internet. But lets keep the drama to a minimum because there are tragic results from ETOH, Food, driving, texting while walking etc studying and final exams. Danger is everywhere--------IF you let it be. Common sense has to come in to play. If a player has a problem with whats posted then he can do two things. 1. Get better 2 Dont read this site. Its very simple. The internet is only as bad as you let it be. Just as it is with most things in life. PL

Very well stated.

Another thing to consider is that the student-athletes hear much worse things than what's on this message board from opponent's student sections and even Bison fans at home games. I've been shocked and appalled by some of the things I've heard yelled at the Bison players from Bison fans sitting behind the bench.

09-21-2008, 11:01 PM
I don't think there are too many players that give a "hoot" what we think on here.

People are entitled to their opinions...if you don't like it...say something or just ignore it.

I don't agree with everyone on here and many don't agree with me...but that is what this forum is for: FUN!! for us Bison fans and other guests

There are bigger "problems" out there than what people post on here

09-21-2008, 11:04 PM
I think the point is to keep criticism constructive and to try and keep the "Player A sucks and should be benched, demoted, shot, kicked off the team" stuff in check. Call a spade a spade, but just keep it real and in context with the big picture.

I guess what I am trying to say is go ahead and be critical of Nick, he had a couple of tough games and deserves some criticism, but to have a whole damn thread dedicated to bashing him, well, it makes me a little sad and makes me think that maybe we take this just a little too seriously.

My two cents.

In an idealistic world that would be great. But we dont live in one and not every one is or wants to be politically correct to save someones feelings.
Which to be truthfull I dont have a problem with. This is a message board where people can say what they feel. Granted it can range from the very idiotic to very informative. But thats what makes the world go round. PL

09-21-2008, 11:08 PM
I don't think there are too many players that give a "hoot" what we think on here.

People are entitled to their opinions...if you don't like it...say something or just ignore it.

I don't agree with everyone on here and many don't agree with me...but that is what this forum is for: FUN!! for us Bison fans and other guests

There are bigger "problems" out there than what people post on here

This is a valuable site for players

Allows them to laugh at people who overanalyze the game

When I am having a bad day at work, I read a few posts here and the comic relief, gets me through the day. The players are smart enough to know that 99% of the posts on here are crap

09-21-2008, 11:36 PM
I think all us Bison fans need to arrive early at the Homecoming game and chant "Mertens". This is just a little something to let him know that we Bison fans still believe in him. What do ya think?


Not good.


09-21-2008, 11:41 PM
In an idealistic world that would be great. But we dont live in one and not every one is or wants to be politically correct to save someones feelings.
Which to be truthfull I dont have a problem with. This is a message board where people can say what they feel. Granted it can range from the very idiotic to very informative. But thats what makes the world go round. PL

And doing things to minimize stupidity and cruelty should be a part of the human condition. I'm not in the mood to allow Nick Mertens to be a sacrificial lamb because some people have gone over the edge.

09-21-2008, 11:44 PM
I think all us Bison fans need to arrive early at the Homecoming game and chant "Mertens". This is just a little something to let him know that we Bison fans still believe in him. What do ya think?

Win as a team, lose as a team, cheer them on as a team.

09-21-2008, 11:51 PM
And doing things to minimize stupidity and cruelty should be a part of the human condition. I'm not in the mood to allow Nick Mertens to be a sacrificial lamb because some people have gone over the edge.

Hes only a sacrificial lamb if he allows himself to be. hes a big boy. Criticism comes with the job. PL

09-22-2008, 01:20 AM
There's plenty of Bu****it that I see posted, but that is my opinion.

09-22-2008, 01:38 AM
Hes only a sacrificial lamb if he allows himself to be. hes a big boy. Criticism comes with the job. PL

PL, even though I do not agree with some of your posts you are probably the most level headed guy here. Not taking things to the extreme one way or another, and you still know how to dish some stuff out.

It's college football. People are going to get heated no matter what is said. I don't think bisonville is that bad. Go look on some SEC sites.... wow...

09-22-2008, 02:00 AM
PL, even though I do not agree with some of your posts you are probably the most level headed guy here. Not taking things to the extreme one way or another, and you still know how to dish some stuff out.

It's college football. People are going to get heated no matter what is said. I don't think bisonville is that bad. Go look on some SEC sites.... wow...

With everything that has been said nobody has really come down to the crux of the situation. Its a game played by young men. The people complaining the most didnt play one play in that game. Its a game. Thats all it is. A game . Reality check is in order.
If a person goes into a depression because the Bison lost they have bigger issues in life to deal with.
Was I disappointed they lost. Yes BUT I was more disappointed in HOW they lost. Games over. Time to move on.
Cant wait for the trip back to Fargo for the SIU game. I love a CFB weekend.
As Duffy Daughrety the late great coach from Michigan State once said on national TV---
The fall is the greatest time of the year. Its the only time of the year that you can walk down the street on a Saturday afternoon with a blanket under one arm and your girlfriend under the other and no one will ask any questions. :D

09-22-2008, 02:10 AM
blah blah....

PL... these kids aren't the 1973 team that you sooo DEARLY remind us that you played for..

these are 2008 kids..

they all read this website, I know personally that they do.. and guess what.. MERTENS DOES TOO!

***BUT he' knows that most of us aren't going to do sh(t to help his game.. or help him improve...***

they read it and laugh.. and yes, they think its hilarious stuff!!!

soo... type what you want.. just remember.. they read it...

I talk alot of crap on this site and mess with most of you.. but I would never call out a player.. cuz I know I will see them and that they will remind me of what I said..

09-22-2008, 02:14 AM
With everything that has been said nobody has really come down to the crux of the situation. Its a game played by young men. The people complaining the most didnt play one play in that game. Its a game. Thats all it is. A game . Reality check is in order.
If a person goes into a depression because the Bison lost they have bigger issues in life to deal with.
Was I disappointed they lost. Yes BUT I was more disappointed in HOW they lost. Games over. Time to move on.
Cant wait for the trip back to Fargo for the SIU game. I love a CFB weekend.
As Duffy Daughrety the late great coach from Michigan State once said on national TV---
The fall is the greatest time of the year. Its the only time of the year that you can walk down the street on a Saturday afternoon with a blanket under one arm and your girlfriend under the other and no one will ask any questions. :D

Can I get an Amen from the Choir? A damn fine time of year to be in Fargo. Homecoming is my favorite weekend (And it is also my anniversary! So you never know what might happen!!!! Maybe I will have TWO reasons to smile that weekend) ;)

09-22-2008, 02:22 AM
blah blah....

PL... these kids aren't the 1973 team that you sooo DEARLY remind us that you played for..

these are 2008 kids..

they all read this website, I know personally that they do.. and guess what.. MERTENS DOES TOO!

***BUT he' knows that most of us aren't going to do sh(t to help his game.. or help him improve...***

they read it and laugh.. and yes, they think its hilarious stuff!!!

soo... type what you want.. just remember.. they read it...

I talk alot of crap on this site and mess with most of you.. but I would never call out a player.. cuz I know I will see them and that they will remind me of what I said..

Since I havent evicerated any of the offending players on this site whats your beef with me. What does my playing in 73 have to do with the subject at hand??? Do you have a problem with people who ACTUALLY played for the Bison as opposed to yourself?????
But its your typical retort as you attack the messenger as opposed to the message.
On the other hand since you say they read the stuff and laugh whats your beef????If your reading comprehension was a tad better you would have picked up on the fact that I dont believe what is posted here effects the players. As usual your post is pretty disjointed and really makes NO sense except you did tell everyone again that you know the players personally??? LOL :nod: PL

09-22-2008, 02:35 AM

If a player has a problem with whats posted then he can do two things. 1. Get better

Get better.. yea.. that's what i was referring to.. you act like these kids aint getting better, they are learning, they are getting better.

and you seem surprised that the players nowadays read this... they do.

whatever... Im just sick of everyone on here...... to be honest.. not necessarily you .. PL.

09-22-2008, 02:41 AM
Hes only a sacrificial lamb if he allows himself to be. hes a big boy. Criticism comes with the job. PL

Sorry...but you're wrong on this.

09-22-2008, 02:42 AM

If a player has a problem with whats posted then he can do two things. 1. Get better

Get better.. yea.. that's what i was referring to.. you act like these kids aint getting better, they are learning, they are getting better.

and you seem surprised that the players nowadays read this... they do.

whatever... Im just sick of everyone on here...... to be honest.. not necessarily you .. PL.
Lakes really likes Mertens. I mean, he REALLY likes Mertens. I mean, HE really likes Mertens. I mean, he really LIKES Mertens. I mean, he really likes MERTENS. Sorry bro, I don't think he bats that way.

09-22-2008, 02:42 AM
PL, even though I do not agree with some of your posts you are probably the most level headed guy here. Not taking things to the extreme one way or another, and you still know how to dish some stuff out.

It's college football. People are going to get heated no matter what is said. I don't think bisonville is that bad. Go look on some SEC sites.... wow...

Because you agree.

SEC is worse...and they're completely nuts.

Doesn't make them right.

09-22-2008, 02:46 AM

If a player has a problem with whats posted then he can do two things. 1. Get better

Get better.. yea.. that's what i was referring to.. you act like these kids aint getting better, they are learning, they are getting better.

and you seem surprised that the players nowadays read this... they do.

whatever... Im just sick of everyone on here...... to be honest.. not necessarily you .. PL.

You are way off base. I never said they werent getting better. If you look at the context of that statement it is an OPTION to get better or dont read Bisonville.
They read the internet??? That doesnt surprise me in the least. Why would you assume that I thought other wise??????

They treat the internet just like we did the local fish wrap back in 73. (that one was for you) If its good great. If not so what. PL

09-22-2008, 02:49 AM
PL - The internet is different. Dissing individuals is different. 2008 is different than 1973.

09-22-2008, 02:50 AM
Sorry...but you're wrong on this.

You cant put them in a bubble and protect them. The handling with kid gloves ended along time ago. PL

09-22-2008, 02:50 AM
Hes only a sacrificial lamb if he allows himself to be. hes a big boy. Criticism comes with the job. PL

I agree, absolutely, that he deserves to be criticized. He has not played very well the last two games.

All I am saying is be fair, and to start a thread that is entitled "In Mertens I don't Trust" and to start totally bashing the boy, that is the ridiculous part (thanks to whomever changed the name of the thread).

To be fair, he made a number of pretty damn nice throws last night too. But funny how nobody wants to compliment him on the fourth down throw to Jordan that kept us going. If that is incomplete, then we dont' have to debate the last throw, and whether or not Tyler should have gotten the ball. So, he would have been better off not making that throw?

Does it make any sense?

09-22-2008, 02:52 AM
PL - The internet is different. Dissing individuals is different. 2008 is different than 1973.

Why so much drama??? I dont see it????
But what is the solution to a so called problem that every university in the country must have????? PL

09-22-2008, 03:33 AM
The problem is that there are a few posters here who need to simply grow up. People have no common sense as to when enough is enough. A loss as a team is hard enough to endure, but when you have a bunch of has-beens or want-to-be's tearing your every move apart, nobody gains anything from that, not even a bisonville poster.

09-22-2008, 03:37 AM
The problem is that there are a few posters here who need to simply grow up. People have no common sense as to when enough is enough. A loss as a team is hard enough to endure, but when you have a bunch of has-beens or want-to-be's tearing your every move apart, nobody gains anything from that, not even a bisonville poster.

++++++++++ (cough cough) PL. (cough cough) post of the day +++++++++++

09-22-2008, 03:44 AM
++++++++++ (cough cough) PL. (cough cough) post of the day +++++++++++

Slick since you have taken this opportunity to put on your ass hat once again I will say that its a great pleasure being a "has been Bison" as opposed to a "never has wannabe". The "never has-wannabe" Im sure you can relate to. . PL

09-22-2008, 10:55 AM
Slick since you have taken this opportunity to put on your ass hat once again I will say that its a great pleasure being a "has been Bison" as opposed to a "never has wannabe". The "never has-wannabe" Im sure you can relate to. . PL

PL.....you are right on base with all of this.

Since joining Bisonville this summer, I haven't agreed with you on everything but you are right on here. Way too much drama......you're right...it is just a game.

I will take a "has beens" opinion about fb over some jerk "wannabe" anyday!!

PL keep it comin


09-22-2008, 02:04 PM
....And this thread is getting to be more nauseating "he said, she said" crap about how individuals behave on the board.......sorry I am sick of it......let's talk football, and folks.....at times it ain't all rosy and fuzzy.....this thread is LOCKED! Please stop the personal crap.