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View Full Version : Summit's Basketball Schedule

03-02-2008, 09:59 PM
Now that the season is over for the men and nearly over for the women, what are the thoughts of those Bisonville fans who watched the Thursday-Saturday men's schedule and the Saturday-Monday women's schedule?

Is it better than the old NCC schedule with doubleheaders on Friday and Saturday?

Do any of you think it would be OK for the xDSU's or any of the other "travel partners" that are close to one another be given the option to play back-to-back nights, rather than have the off-day in between?

How about attendance? Thursday night men's game and Monday night women's game: Good or bad?

What are your thoughts?

03-02-2008, 10:38 PM
I highly doubt the conference will go to a Friday - Saturday schedule. The Thursday - Saturday will be around for a very long time. On the women's side however, there are some schools (including NDSU) that are not happy with the Saturday - Monday setup. One possible solution is to have the women and men alternate travel weeks. That way all games could be scheduled on the Thurs-Sat setup, and all schools would have home games every weekend during the conference season. The drawback to that is the radio coverage of having two games going on at the same time. Many of the conferences have their schedules setup this way.

03-03-2008, 02:54 PM
Now that the season is over for the men and nearly over for the women, what are the thoughts of those Bisonville fans who watched the Thursday-Saturday men's schedule and the Saturday-Monday women's schedule?

Is it better than the old NCC schedule with doubleheaders on Friday and Saturday?

Do any of you think it would be OK for the xDSU's or any of the other "travel partners" that are close to one another be given the option to play back-to-back nights, rather than have the off-day in between?

How about attendance? Thursday night men's game and Monday night women's game: Good or bad?

What are your thoughts?

You have to love the Fri/Sat of the NCC from a fans standpoint. A true double header is nice (other than the seats). How many people this year went to women's games that didn't have season tickets? IMHO a twice as big womens crowd would be better in the long run for the program.

Not sure if other travel members are close enough for teh back to back nights or not.

Thursday Men's and Monday Women's seem pretty bad choices for attendance.

03-04-2008, 02:24 AM
Maybe it's just me, but I thought the old NCC Fri-Sat. doubleheaders were kind of bush league. It gave me the impression of a low-level conference operating on a real tight travel budget. I would like to see Thurs-Sat. matchups for both men and women though.