View Full Version : The "Where Were You" Thread

11-11-2007, 07:49 AM
Where Were You when you heard of or witnessed ANOTHER great come back in Cali??

For myself, I was able to listen to the game til halftime, and then I had to work, no radio or internet available. I wasn't impressed with how the Bison were playing, but didn't for one minute write them off. Then I get a call from a buddy who asked if i'm listening to the game, just all jacked as the comeback must have started. SU was still down by a TD...so I told him to call me back if we win. It was the greatest thing to look at my phone and see him calling even before I picked up! Amazing!!

But most of all thank you to everyone on here for posting their comments. Going into the game thread and reading the posts as the comeback progressed gave me goosebumps, and all the post-game reactions are great to read, so thanks!

NOW lets bring 10,000 to Brookings and DROP THE HAMMER!!!!

11-11-2007, 08:38 AM
Where Were You when you heard of or witnessed ANOTHER great come back in Cali??

For myself, I was able to listen to the game til halftime, and then I had to work, no radio or internet available. I wasn't impressed with how the Bison were playing, but didn't for one minute write them off. Then I get a call from a buddy who asked if i'm listening to the game, just all jacked as the comeback must have started. SU was still down by a TD...so I told him to call me back if we win. It was the greatest thing to look at my phone and see him calling even before I picked up! Amazing!!

But most of all thank you to everyone on here for posting their comments. Going into the game thread and reading the posts as the comeback progressed gave me goosebumps, and all the post-game reactions are great to read, so thanks!

NOW lets bring 10,000 to Brookings and DROP THE HAMMER!!!!

I was sitting on my computer listening through gobison and writing on here....oh man was i going nuts!!! people were turning off the radio from bisonville and i told them never to give up hope and sure shit I was right. Being a friend of some of the players, the hunger you see from them when you talk to them is insane. 19 points is in range for a comeback by them.

11-11-2007, 09:33 AM
My wife and I made the trip. And it was unreal. Cal-Poly fans were saying it was over. But we know better than that. It was fantastic I'm still jacked up ++++++++++++++++++

11-11-2007, 02:47 PM
We also made the trip and the excitement continues today just remembering the game from last night! :nod: :nod: :nod:

11-11-2007, 03:06 PM
I just found out!!!


Last time I checked, it was 21-6 in the 3rd quarter.

11-11-2007, 04:31 PM
I was at the Stadium in Bismarck with about 20 other Bison fans.

Bison bison
11-11-2007, 05:57 PM
Butchering deer.

Not the best situation to have the swing in emotions to mirror the game yesterday.

westriver bison
11-11-2007, 05:59 PM
Butchering deer.

Not the best situation to have the swing in emotions to mirror the game yesterday.

Did you lose any fingers?

Bison bison
11-11-2007, 06:07 PM
Kept all ten of them, all my toes too.....

The deer did not fare as well.

11-11-2007, 08:18 PM
My experience was an effort in futility, doesn't sound like I was the only one either. Tried the CSTV think, we all know how that went. Then tried on GoBison, ever constant buffering, always at the worst possible times. Tried even for a while running out, starting the pickup and trying to pick it up out there, only to have several stations fuzz out. Then tried to follow the thread on BV while trying to wait for the audio to buffer, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Ask my family if I was a little stressed out.:ranting: All the while wondering, could this be another Cal Davis??:nod:

11-11-2007, 08:38 PM
I was driving my car in Bismarck and listening

11-11-2007, 10:26 PM
I was driving from Mpls to Fargo. I couldn't get the Bison so I was listening to the UNI station. They reported that Cal Poly was ahead 21-6... I was bummed but still kept trying to get WDAY. When I got to Monticello I started getting sporadic audible signal, you know static, static, third and ten... static. I could have died. When I got to Avon my wife had to go into the gas station to get away from the static... I moved waayy to the end and I could barely hear... Bison score... Bison score again... Bison hold... Walker throws to Heckendorf... HE SCORES... My oh MY! I almost croaked.

My wife comes back to the car and asks why I'm parked so far away from the station...

Then I drove under the flourescent lights to put in gas.

What a Game!!!!!
:) :):nod: :nod: :) :)

Herd Mentality
11-11-2007, 10:49 PM
I listened to the entire game up in GF County even though radio coverage was very sketchy at times.

Text conversation between Gully and myself in the final 2 minutes....

Herd: Dear Jesus, I need a miracle
Gully: Granted
Herd: I think I just wet myself

11-11-2007, 11:06 PM
The radio signal for evening games is terrible in the GF area. They need to add another station to the network for the NE part of the state for all the Cavalier and Larimore fans who want to listen to their hometown kids.

Herd Mentality
11-11-2007, 11:34 PM
The radio signal for evening games is terrible in the GF area. They need to add another station to the network for the NE part of the state for all the Cavalier and Larimore fans who want to listen to their hometown kids.

Tell me about it....I had CFL coverage that kept overriding the signal. Good grief!

11-11-2007, 11:56 PM
I listened to the entire game up in GF County even though radio coverage was very sketchy at times.

Text conversation between Gully and myself in the final 2 minutes....

Herd: Dear Jesus, I need a miracle
Gully: Granted
Herd: I think I just wet myself

I knew that Herd and I had a good friendship...I had no idea that he worships me.:bow: :bow:

11-12-2007, 12:16 AM
Herd: Dear Jesus, I need a miracle
Gully: Granted
Herd: I think I just wet myself

Hey, I didn't think porn was allowed on this site....

11-12-2007, 12:59 AM
i was in a hotel room pimpin ho's ;)

11-12-2007, 01:38 AM
I was painting my basement bathroom (green of course) ;) while listening to the Golden Tones of Scott Miller.

Listening to the game was difficult. As I said last night, I almost shut it off about 5 times but I stuck too it.

I was about to put my daughter to bed but she wanted to stay up for some reason and wasn't tired so I kept the game on after I finished painting. Something out there kept me listening to the game. I'm sure glad I did! I would've missed a classic.

I turned off the game early when NDSU beat Montana and I kicked myself for weeks! :banghead:

Where will I be next week? Brookings, of course.

11-12-2007, 03:41 AM
My hunting party and I were sitting around the campfire while my dad, who was sick, was trying to go to bed, because he figured that the Bison were done for. All the people around the campfire said. "The Bison where Primed for a loss." I just kept saying "It's not over until Walker says its over!". They finally listened to me with 39 Seconds left where my dad ran out side Yelling "BISON WINNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

Good times at the Hunting Cabin, Good Times.

11-12-2007, 04:09 AM
Where Were You when you heard of or witnessed ANOTHER great come back in Cali??

For myself, I was able to listen to the game til halftime, and then I had to work, no radio or internet available. I wasn't impressed with how the Bison were playing, but didn't for one minute write them off. Then I get a call from a buddy who asked if i'm listening to the game, just all jacked as the comeback must have started. SU was still down by a TD...so I told him to call me back if we win. It was the greatest thing to look at my phone and see him calling even before I picked up! Amazing!!

But most of all thank you to everyone on here for posting their comments. Going into the game thread and reading the posts as the comeback progressed gave me goosebumps, and all the post-game reactions are great to read, so thanks!

NOW lets bring 10,000 to Brookings and DROP THE HAMMER!!!!

I was blowing a brain gasket in SLO. I saw a piece of heaven.

11-12-2007, 04:46 AM
We were there (and are still here) and never gave up hope.

11-12-2007, 03:05 PM
I was sitting outside in my pickup while the rest of my hunting party was in the house. No dang radio in the house so I sat outside and was loving it. I was getting so disgusted walking around the pickup swearing for about 3 quarters. I kept saying to myself "It's not over till Walker says its over" then I would be listening saying this is the biggest play of the game. Then 4 plays later saying to myself this is the biggest play of the game. Then I hear he's at the 50 the 45 the 40 the 30 Touchdown and I think the rest of ND heard me scream!!!!!!!! I then went and poured a celebratory scotch and came back out to relish in the post game and make a few calls.

I was asked if I was hunting next weekend and I let everyone know It was time to head back to my old home state and watch some jackrabbit HUNTING!!!!!!!

11-12-2007, 04:12 PM
We had approximately ten (10) Bison fans utilizing Cal Poly Alumni Association tickets sitting in the midst of the Cal Poly Alumni section. We listened to chants of "Overrated!" throughout the game and how they are beating the #1 team in the nation.

Then suddenly, it became very quiet during the middle of the 4th Qtr....with the odd exception of Poly fans attempting to cheer when their own offense had the ball, which we encouraged. Soon, Poly fans who were cheering became irate at their own fans who were not cheering. Subsequently the quiet fans started yelling back that "just because we are not yelling, does not make us less of a fan".

Then, Walker hit Heckendorf for 80 yds and the ten of us went crazy, jumping up and down, hugging and screaming. I mentioned to my wife after the game that this will be the only time in my life where I hug another grown man, that I didn't know before the game, in front of 11,000 people... and be proud of it!

11-12-2007, 04:25 PM
We had approximately ten (10) Bison fans utilizing Cal Poly Alumni Association tickets sitting in the midst of the Cal Poly Alumni section. We listened to chants of "Overrated!" throughout the game and how they are beating the #1 team in the nation.

Then suddenly, it became very quiet during the middle of the 4th Qtr....with the odd exception of Poly fans attempting to cheer when their own offense had the ball, which we encouraged. Soon, Poly fans who were cheering became irate at their own fans who were not cheering. Subsequently the quiet fans started yelling back that "just because we are not yelling, does not make us less of a fan".

Then, Walker hit Heckendorf for 80 yds and the ten of us went crazy, jumping up and down, hugging and screaming. I mentioned to my wife after the game that this will be the only time in my life where I hug another grown man, that I didn't know before the game, in front of 11,000 people... and be proud of it!

It was great to meet you OtterTailLakeBison!

11-12-2007, 04:26 PM
I mentioned to my wife after the game that this will be the only time in my life where I hug another grown man, that I didn't know before the game, in front of 11,000 people... and be proud of it!

Hahaha...What a great post!

11-12-2007, 04:40 PM
I was sitting in front of thte computer in my classroom at school because my computer hit the skids. After we scored I started jumping around and set off the alarms in the buildings. Didn't care! Stayed to listen to the players talk and then set off the alarm again. I love Bison football...Maybe I should learn how to disarm the alarm?

11-12-2007, 06:36 PM
I was in South Bend, IN, getting infrequent and more depressing text messages as the game went on. Suddenly one of my friends listening to it on the radio texts me, "Fucking touchdown bison in the lead!". I instantly called him and had him narrate everything going on during the last minute in a half. My fiance and I were freaking out in the middle of a Meijier store late at night, with a bunch of depressed sad Notre Dame fans.

Thank you Walker, Heckendorf, and the rest of the team!

11-12-2007, 10:02 PM
In the stands at SLO When I saw Heckendorf catch that pass and stay in bounds, I knew TD! I couldn't believe it. One of the best come-backs I have seen live.

11-12-2007, 11:19 PM
Up in Bottineau trying to listen to a very static filled station out of Rugby until the wife found out on the boards here about the Lisbon station streaming on line audio for the game. So heard the second half clear as a bell with minimal buffering. Kept telling thr wife we needed to have some Walker magic and in the 4th we finally got some.:nod:

11-13-2007, 05:08 PM
Painting the family room in basement. Wondering to myself "self, is there any way this one can turn out ok" with 10 minutes left. Hollered loud enough to get the neighbors dog barking on the last play. Did a play-by-play of said last 10 minutes for the boy yesterday, who works in Brainerd and is a huge Heckendorf fan. Must learn at some point, never count out Walker and the the rest of the magicians on this team.

11-13-2007, 05:33 PM
Section 201 row 26 seat 11 Alex Spanos Stadium.

11-13-2007, 05:34 PM
Section 201 row 26 seat 11 Alex Spanos Stadium.

Nice seat number ;)

11-13-2007, 07:36 PM
Listened to the first half on the radio at home. Went to the BWW South to watch the second half, not even on the raidio. Tried OKellys and finally to Labbys to listen to the 4th quarter.

Only a few people stayed until the end of the game. They gave away free green shots to the handful of people that stayed around for the dramatic comeback.

11-13-2007, 07:42 PM
Watching from a hillside under a tree at Spanos Stadium (I was too nervous to sit down in the stands)

11-13-2007, 08:39 PM
Listening at my house with my wife, holding our sleeping twins, mouthing "OH MY GOD!" back at each other!

11-13-2007, 08:42 PM
Sitting in my parents living room listening to the Williston station. Had a house full of relatives home for deer hunting, but I wasn't doing very much visiting. My Sioux fan uncle was attempting to be a Bison supporter, but you could tell he was enjoying hearing the Bison implode. Had a great time listening to the Bison comeback although I have to admit I thought it was over at 28-9. As a NDSU and U of Illinois alumni, it was a great day of football!

11-13-2007, 08:50 PM
Listening to the radio with my buddy and girlfriend in Detroit Lakes and still steaming over the fact that CSTV sucks.

As usual, I was wearing one of my #11 authentic Bison jerseys (this time it was the green 'home' Nike). After we were down 28-9, I decided we needed a rally, so I went into my bedroom and switched to the white 'road' Nike. What do you know, Walker brings them back and I go crazy.

Needless to say, the white version will be worn in Brookings on Saturday. :)

11-13-2007, 11:22 PM
Sitting in my parents living room listening to the Williston station. Had a house full of relatives home for deer hunting, but I wasn't doing very much visiting. My Sioux fan uncle was attempting to be a Bison supporter, but you could tell he was enjoying hearing the Bison implode. Had a great time listening to the Bison comeback although I have to admit I thought it was over at 28-9. As a NDSU and U of Illinois alumni, it was a great day of football!

yeah that ohio state illinois game was pretty sick whatched that game start to finish just love juice williams and the zooker...how about juices little interview after the game when he flexed MY OH MY the QB at illinois is bigger than any player in the FCS and im not being sarcastic juice is a monster and so is mendenhall...so many sick plays in that game but beanie was def not 100% no where close i felt bad for him on that last touchdown he had he looked like he was about to die of pain what a warrior

Mr. Burgundy
11-14-2007, 12:32 AM
Slick, feel free to punctuate your posts.

11-14-2007, 12:44 AM
Is there some type of book one can purchase to interpret your post??? If so where????
Ghetto Speak 101 cant be found at Barnes and Noble. I checked. :D PL

11-14-2007, 01:55 AM
Driving somewhere between Deering and Minot, trying to improve radio reception. Great success.

11-14-2007, 02:23 AM
Watching from a hillside under a tree at Spanos Stadium (I was too nervous to sit down in the stands)
I know the feeling Bisondad.......I had to stop listening to the radio broadcast in the 4th quarter and could only tolerate the updates on Bisonville's game thread. Kept my heart rate down a bit and I could at least sit still and read as the game progressed. Tell Nate they have to kick Rabbit butt from start to finish so I can enjoy Saturday's game. :D

11-14-2007, 01:04 PM
Amen to that.