View Full Version : College sporting news takes another jab at NDSU

11-02-2007, 12:48 AM
For those of you who may not have seen this yet, halfway down the article is a cartoon strip that gives a little jab to NDSU.collegesportingnews.com/article.asp?articleid=88683

Once again, they fail to understand that at no time has NDSU asked for a rule change...it was Central Arkansas.

11-02-2007, 12:51 AM
Hehehe, I liked that cartoon.:D

Then again, I'm a cartoon artist who's a huge cartoon addict.

11-02-2007, 02:34 AM
For those of you who may not have seen this yet, halfway down the article is a cartoon strip that gives a little jab to NDSU.collegesportingnews.com/article.asp?articleid=88683 (http://collegesportingnews.com/article.asp?articleid=88683)

Once again, they fail to understand that at no time has NDSU asked for a rule change...it was Central Arkansas.

The way I read it is not in offense of NDSU. It seems the writer was just trying to show the turmoil of the situation and mention as many quality teams as possible. Lucky for us, we happen to be a quality team. :p

The way I took it is that he was trying to say, "If anyone were to ask for a rule change, NDSU would be the one to get it/deserve it." Just the way I read it...:confused:

11-02-2007, 02:41 AM
I found it humorous.

11-02-2007, 02:47 AM
For those of you who may not have seen this yet, halfway down the article is a cartoon strip that gives a little jab to NDSU.collegesportingnews.com/article.asp?articleid=88683 (http://collegesportingnews.com/article.asp?articleid=88683)

Once again, they fail to understand that at no time has NDSU asked for a rule change...it was Central Arkansas.

I didnt read the cartoon as a dig at all. It was actually very astute to the fact that if the changed the rule then all teams must be treated equally. It also was pointed to the fact that at the end they were trying to find a scienario in which would included NDSU.
Plus I thought it showed that no matter if you do have a playoff system there is still allot of subjective interpretation on some of the teams who get picked. PL

11-02-2007, 02:57 AM
Well, we knew the rules, what can we say. BUT, U of Mary got their probation cut short, and let's hope that they don't use us as a rule changer for when the bad guys up north are in probation...that's all I have to say, better not.

11-02-2007, 03:25 AM
Yeah, I might be a little sensitive. I guess what kind of bugged me was the cartoon charactor that suggested "I've got an idea, How about we take them, Yale, and the two CAA teams not in the tourney and let them have a mini playoff. And then we match their winner with the winner of out tournament and have a true champion. Kind of like our own version of the BCS."

First, by pitting NDSU and Yale with the two teams from CAA left out of their playoffs, They imply that both Yale and NDSU are no better than a middle of the road CAA team.

Second, by suggesting that the two tourney winners have a playoff game to declare a "true champion" refers to the problem that the FCS already has with the Ivy league schools not being in the tourney. This problem came to light recently when Harvard went undefeated but didn't go to the playoffs. Further, they have already stated in big bold terms last week (when it was chastising Bohl for his comments) that the only way you can be declared the true champion is by winning their tournament.

Third, The FCS takes great pride in the fact that their champion has to win it on the field. When they refer this senerio to being like their own version of the BCS, you have to remember how the FCS feels about the BCS way of declaring a champion...they think it's stupid.

11-02-2007, 03:34 AM
Second, by suggesting that the two tourney winners have a playoff game to declare a "true champion" refers to the problem that the FCS already has with the Ivy league schools not being in the tourney. This problem came to light recently when Harvard went undefeated but didn't go to the playoffs. Further, they have already stated in big bold terms last week (when it was chastising Bohl for his comments) that the only way you can be declared the true champion is by winning their tournament.

Third, The FCS takes great pride in the fact that their champion has to win it on the field. When they refer this senerio to being like their own version of the BCS, you have to remember how the FCS feels about the BCS way of declaring a champion...they think it's stupid.

They were a lot more sensitive about the Bohl comments than most realize. Best for Bison to take the high road and pay homage to the playoff champ.

11-02-2007, 03:36 AM
Yeah, I might be a little sensitive. I guess what kind of bugged me was the cartoon charactor that suggested "I've got an idea, How about we take them, Yale, and the two CAA teams not in the tourney and let them have a mini playoff. And then we match their winner with the winner of out tournament and have a true champion. Kind of like our own version of the BCS."

First, by pitting NDSU and Yale with the two teams from CAA left out of their playoffs, They imply that both Yale and NDSU are no better than a middle of the road CAA team.

Second, by suggesting that the two tourney winners have a playoff game to declare a "true champion" refers to the problem that the FCS already has with the Ivy league schools not being in the tourney. This problem came to light recently when Harvard went undefeated but didn't go to the playoffs. Further, they have already stated in big bold terms last week (when it was chastising Bohl for his comments) that the only way you can be declared the true champion is by winning their tournament.

Third, The FCS takes great pride in the fact that their champion has to win it on the field. When they refer this senerio to being like their own version of the BCS, you have to remember how the FCS feels about the BCS way of declaring a champion...they think it's stupid.

WOW Im glad I didnt read all of that into it. Im trying to figure out how you did. :D PL

11-02-2007, 05:08 AM
WOW Im glad I didnt read all of that into it. Im trying to figure out how you did. :D PL

I could elaborate......:D "Wait till I get started...where was I? Ah yes, Australia.. You must have suspected I'd know the poisons origin, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me..." :D

Bottom line...East Coast FCS writers still feel that there is no good football west of the Mississippi.

Crap, I just fell off the back of the soap box I was on. That's what a few Jack on the rocks will do to you.... and another thing that chaps my ass......

11-02-2007, 03:20 PM
This cartoon includes the Bison, but is not aimed at the Bison at all.

I took no offense at the cartoon until I got to the pane after the one including NDSU and Yale, the one that says, "We can't do that or we're likely to have an all CAA quarter-final."

I started fuming, then I grabbed hold of my senses and thought, "Wait a minute, who's this by?"

The answer is the article's by Bruce Dowd, the editor of "The CAA Today."
CAA--as in Colonial Athletic Association covering 8 east coast states.

It's his JOB to make the CAA look good.

The whole thing is about the CAA. Of course any team in the CAA is gonna beat the Bison in this article. Anyway, he didn't author the cartoon or commission it. It was sent to him by Dawn Wilson of Wilson Advertising.

If a similar cartoon appeared in CSN West by Kent Schmidt, the Bison would likely fare much better.

11-02-2007, 07:03 PM
Good lord. I'm so tired of the victim attitude on this board by some posters. It's rather pitiful frankly.

It's just a f*#@ing cartoon and we should be glad to be included.


11-02-2007, 10:33 PM
It said "Then NDSU is ALSO going to demand a rule change." Not we already have. :confused: