View Full Version : ESPN article on Roehl

10-25-2007, 02:23 PM
Not sure if anyone else saw this article but I really liked it.


Some quotes:

"I don't think there was ever any doubt that he was going to NDSU," said Roger Manske, Roehl's fourth-grade football coach who remembers him wearing a North Dakota State T-shirt the first day of practice.

One of his biggest fans doesn't get the chance to watch him play in person. Roehl sends DVD recordings of the games to his older brother, Ben, who is stationed in Iraq. The younger Roehl salutes his brother and other soldiers after each touchdown.

"I have been getting messages on my computer from people from all over the place," Roehl said. "It's nice to make the highlight reel on ESPN, but I'm more excited about putting NDSU on the national map."

10-25-2007, 02:36 PM
Not sure if anyone else saw this article but I really liked it.


Some quotes:

"I don't think there was ever any doubt that he was going to NDSU," said Roger Manske, Roehl's fourth-grade football coach who remembers him wearing a North Dakota State T-shirt the first day of practice.

One of his biggest fans doesn't get the chance to watch him play in person. Roehl sends DVD recordings of the games to his older brother, Ben, who is stationed in Iraq. The younger Roehl salutes his brother and other soldiers after each touchdown.

"I have been getting messages on my computer from people from all over the place," Roehl said. "It's nice to make the highlight reel on ESPN, but I'm more excited about putting NDSU on the national map."

And in true Bison fashion.

10-25-2007, 02:38 PM
Rep Points for you Bro! See you Saturday!

10-25-2007, 02:49 PM
Not sure if anyone else saw this article but I really liked it.


Some quotes:

"I don't think there was ever any doubt that he was going to NDSU," said Roger Manske, Roehl's fourth-grade football coach who remembers him wearing a North Dakota State T-shirt the first day of practice.

One of his biggest fans doesn't get the chance to watch him play in person. Roehl sends DVD recordings of the games to his older brother, Ben, who is stationed in Iraq. The younger Roehl salutes his brother and other soldiers after each touchdown.

"I have been getting messages on my computer from people from all over the place," Roehl said. "It's nice to make the highlight reel on ESPN, but I'm more excited about putting NDSU on the national map."

Man what a class guy. Salutes his brother after every TD. Gives all the credit to the line. Is happier to give the school recogntion than himself. Very unselfish even more impressive since he could have pimped himself.

10-25-2007, 02:50 PM
Some of his comments remind me of Tony Satter. Both could have looked elsewhere but decided to stay in Fargo and go to NDSU. I hope Austin Richard will be a star as well. Those who stay will be champions!

10-25-2007, 05:22 PM
I seem to remember, from the Craig Bohl Show, Phil asked; where do you see yourself in ten years? Roehl answered; Coach at NDSU.

westriver bison
10-25-2007, 06:25 PM
This story was in the Bismarck Tribune this morning.:)

10-25-2007, 06:52 PM
This story was in the Bismarck Tribune this morning.:)

Cool! This article is making the rounds. Now I see it on Sporting News.

10-25-2007, 07:52 PM
yeah that makes sense now never knew why he always did that salute after every touchdown...after he busted that 70+ he ran right to the big ten camera in the endzone and did it looked really good in HD ;)

10-26-2007, 04:49 AM
I smell a new cheer:

"Hey diddle diddle, Diesel up the middle!"

10-26-2007, 05:19 AM
I love it....we really need to bust that one out this weekend. The one thing we need to work on is more creative cheers. Everyone talks about changes that are needed by the band...I also think the cheerleaders should try something new.

10-26-2007, 05:42 AM
I love it....we really need to bust that one out this weekend. The one thing we need to work on is more creative cheers. Everyone talks about changes that are needed by the band...I also think the cheerleaders should try something new.

"Lets Go Diesel...Lets Go....Lets Go Diesel..Lets Go" hahahaha that'd be badass!

10-26-2007, 08:03 AM
I like the idea of Roehl at tailback from the get-go, but I never anticipated it would work out this well. His speed has been a very nice surprise, at least to me. There is very little not to like about this guy.

10-26-2007, 11:03 PM
I smell a new cheer:

"Hey diddle diddle, Diesel up the middle!"

You beat me to the punch line! I was thinking the exact same thing. I would have posted this earlier but I was laughing. Not in disrespect but thinking of the people he steam rolls.....sitting on the sidelines with concussions after being roehl'd over and wondering why they keep hearing this jingle in their heads....."hey diddle diddle...."