View Full Version : Please stay classy.

10-20-2007, 07:47 PM
I know it's tempting with some of the comments in the Hole to bash but please don't. We have a classy team with a classy coach, take a lead from them.

10-20-2007, 07:53 PM
:blush: I have 2 of these threads. Can someone delete one please!

10-20-2007, 07:56 PM
With some of the comments Mrs. Bitch is making over there it's hard to stay quiet. But, there's nothing we can say that our boys didn't say for us on the field. Let's leave it at that and look ahead to next weeks game against SUU.

10-20-2007, 08:03 PM
I like how they say how classless we are and then they say the RR should flood and kill us all. LOL.

10-20-2007, 08:03 PM
They're getting desperate now, they're trying to downplay our win by saying that the best team in our division barely beat the worst team in FBS.

So, basically they're saying: You're not very good because we're really really bad.


10-20-2007, 08:05 PM
The Gophs played their best game of the year you could argue. Let them talk, our team did the talking. We didn't barely beat, we kicked the living sh** out of them. If it wouldn't have been for TR's fumble and the missed FGs and it would have been a blowout.

10-20-2007, 08:23 PM
The Gophs played their best game of the year you could argue. Let them talk, our team did the talking. We didn't barely beat, we kicked the living sh** out of them. If it wouldn't have been for TR's fumble and the missed FGs and it would have been a blowout.


There was a huge momentum shift when Tyler fumbled. No slam on Tyler obviously. He played one of the best games ever by a Bison back.

10-20-2007, 08:25 PM

There was a huge momentum shift when Tyler fumbled. No slam on Tyler obviously. He played one of the best games ever by a Bison back.
That is courtesy of the Bisonville Department of the Obvious. :D

10-20-2007, 09:59 PM
It was a good game. Lets not get into the could've,should've would've's though. You won and thats all that matters. Just as many Gopher fans said about last year, Anyways,good luck the rest of the season and in the future


10-20-2007, 10:01 PM
It was a good game. Lets not get into the could've,should've would've's though. You won and thats all that matters. Just as many Gopher fans said about last year, Anyways,good luck the rest of the season and in the future

Same to you.

10-21-2007, 02:10 AM
I know it's tempting with some of the comments in the Hole to bash but please don't. We have a classy team with a classy coach, take a lead from them.

Mission accomplished, methinks.

10-21-2007, 02:34 AM
yup we won and we were the best team on that field today, we prevailed through many of the things your not supposed to do:
fumble the ball, give up the lead, give up the first score in the 3rd qrt, get a late hit penalty, dont take a knee on a kickoff into the endzone (gift), lose on an instant replay appeal and so on, we won we won we won and thats all that matters, i like winning